
Obama Supporters, Do you think Hurricane Gustav is a Gift from God?

by Guest21554  |  earlier

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You know...maybe I'm starting to think so....

A Gift of Redemption to George Bush and the Republican Party..

I mean think about it...The Obama Camp can't criticize George Bush and Katrina anymore....with the apparent successful preparation of Gustav in everyone's psyche...

I find it Ironic...that Dems and Libs would say Gustav was a gift from God....Indeed, Just not a Gift they expected.....

I guess the Lord does work in mysterious ways....

I'm a Dem who did not hear any other Dems comdenm Michael Moore's response nor from the Former DNC Chair, Don Fowler....but why would you? You were right.

Just not for for the right reason.




  1. considering it is hitting an area that a large portion of residents are democrats I doubt those democrats  see it as a gift from God

  2. No, I was hoping to see a Bush/McCain love fest play out on national TV.  Mr. Bush will use Gustav as a convenient excuse not to attend the abbreviated convention.  Oh! Michael Moore is a fat obnoxious loud mouth.  Hope your happy now.

  3. That is just insane talk.  

  4. Ok, Michal Moore said that it was a 'Gift from God" and a few Democrats made some insensitive statements about it in a private conversation. That is not representative of all democrats, liberals, or even the Democratic party. That would be me going.

    "McCain supporters, do you believe that Hitler was sent to Earth to make the Jews go back to their homeland?"

    oh, and to answer your question. No.

  5. You know, I don't really understand your reasoning.

    All I know is that a natural disaster can't be blamed on any single person or political party,

    and anything that causes friends and family to have to leave their homes behind without looking back and not knowing what will happen is NOT a gift from God.

    Have some sympathy for these victims please, don't use this tragedy to help your political reasonings.

  6. Your stupid.

  7. No, the Republican prayers for torrential rains on Denver misfired.

  8. no you chick with no life!!

  9. No, I'm not superstitious. But Fowler made an idiotic remark and he knows it. I can't imagine any sane person saying things like that or that aids is God's punishment or many other comments by superstitious people on the left and right.

  10. I don't pretend to know God's mind, but it is interesting that Focus on the Family asked their members to pray for rain on the night of Barack's speech, but the weather remained clear, and now there is a hurricane disrupting the Republican convention.  God works in mysterious ways.

    The fact that the administration is doing a better job this time does not erase people's memories of what happened after Katrina.

  11. Yes, yes, yessssss! It is a truly sensational storm and "the best news team on television" has spotted a broken tree limb and rough, choppy water. Not much rain but it is overcast. Wow!

  12. Then I guess you didn't read my answer to a similar question yesterday.

    I think the Republicans are thrilled that Bush and Cheney aren't going to speak at their convention.

    I find it odd that Bush and the rest of them are being so helpful during this hurricane and so negligent the last time.  What do you think the reasons for that could be.  Give me a break.

    I have been looking at all your questions.  You are no Democrat.

  13. You weren't reading everything, I called Moore an idiot.  Didn't know about Fowler.

    This was not a gift from god and it does not show that Bush is an okay guy.  Bush is still the guy who gutted FEMA so that the response to Katrina sucked, and after that happened he was all "oops" and tried to fix it.  Sheesh!

    But it does one thing for the republicans - it prevents Bush and Cheney from attending any of the convention, McCain needs as much distance from them as he can get.

  14. Nope.

  15. So you think God is bringing potential devastation and death to New Orleans to reduce the criticism from the last devastation in 2006?  All for the purpose of meddling in the presidential campaign?  Is that the kind of stuff god does?

    Is it possible the hurricane is hitting there because its a vulnerable area for this kind of weather?

  16. I don't think the miseries of our fellow Americans, should be used to bash either party. We should all be thinking of the residents affected by Gustav, those that are being displaced and dealing with losing their homes, some for a second time in three years. Enough is enough.

  17. i understand what you are thinking, but i doubt it's a gift from god in the literal sense.

    it might be a good thing in that aspect, but also the people in Louisiana are not thinking the same way you are.

  18. The response to Katrina and the response to Gustav are, will be two separate events.  Of course they can be judged individually.

    No democrat has said that Gustav is a "gift from god".  If you insist that they did then give me a name.

    As for Michael Moore, I couldn't care less what he has to say.  He is not an elected official.

    The question is your usual gibberish.

  19. I think its a curse on BUSHCO and all America things like this just don,t happen. Bush had best follow threw on his promises to the victims of all the storms not just this one and MCcain best get of his azz and start acting like he really gives a rats also get on with his convention or I think he will get stuck in his diversion of the storms and SINK...just my opinion could change chow F.P

  20. No. I don't think anything that can take the lives of innocent people is a gift from God.

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