
Obama Supporters, I wonder, in all the 20 years at Trinity Church, are you to tell me?

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He didn't hear anything that was un-American or racist?

How come Obama hasn't divulged what he really heard over those 20 years...or do we just give it a pass

Democrat who is not convinced Obama is the REAL DEAL.




  1. He must have went to church to catch up on his sleep.

    He has the same beliefs or he wouldn't have stayed with that so called church.  He does have other "friends" who has that same belief.

    His church preaches abstinence?  In the g*y teachings?

    One sermon?  How many times did Wright change his clothes in "one" sermon?  The video clip I saw showed him in different outfits.

  2. If he stayed there until he got caught, he & his wife share the same beliefs of Rev. Wright

  3. A McCain supporter follows after whatever their icon says, sometimes it's their pastors, sometimes it's some talk host on fox, other times it's conservative talk radio... They follow, from ear to heart, no thinking involved....

    A person that has freedom to think, knows that not everything that's said, should necessarily be taken straight to heart... Of course I don't expect you to understand  this...


    Even if you throw out all that I say above, wasn't Senator Obama living in Washington DC since 2005... I don't think the youtube vids date past that... so thus, it is reasonable to say that Obama was not there...

  4. Get real! To be quite frankly honest the Southern Baptist church condoned slavery! I know ready for a rebuttal any minute now.

  5. He knew, he just didn't know he was going to be thrust into the political spotlight after a single speech 4 years ago.  Therefor he never thought about the ramifications of his church on his political career.

  6. I actually don't give a rats patootie what somebody else said in his presence.

    I only care about what he says.

  7. Obama heard the un-American racist speeches, he just refuses to admitted it.  

    Dems. hear the lies Obama tells, they just refuse to admit it.

    Alot of people simply do what they believe to be in their own best interest.  (Obama, has to deny because he knows if he doesn't he doesn't stand a chance at being elected.  The Dems. refuse to admit because they have alot invested Obama and average "Joe" can just sometimes be stubborn)

      I just wish people would open their minds to hear the truth and care about something other then themselves.

  8. He joined that church for political reasons and left for the same reason. He wanted help being elected and had to burn his bridges behind him. Peace

  9. this is just another example of the man's lack of common sense....he is an "educated fool"  and the lack of judgment, experience & patriotism is unmistakable....

  10. Complaining about racism is NOT racism, no matter how many times Conservatricks say it is!  

  11. seems like Obama does not like to discuss his faith and yet he claims to be a christian? that is just not compatible. and you cant sit in a church like that for all those years and hear that mess and not be influenced. if your a true christian you would have gotton up long before and found a real faith based church, that teaches the true meaning of Jesus, not hate, the two just dont gel.

  12. It seems that people have simply ignored this issue, I haven't & no explanation he can give will get him a pass from me because of it!

  13. My Church preaches a lot of things I don't believe in. Do you believe in everything your church promotes? Cause if everyone did I think there would be a whole lot more churches in the world each with much, much less people. This is a social issue not a presidential one.

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