
Obama Supporters, does Sean P. Diddy represent the typical Obama Supporter?

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I mean...I thought Obama's 'ahs' and 'ums' were pretty bad...




  1. He does.  Thugs who hate strong women.   Rap is full of sexists. Hey squid,Phelps is a registed Dem.  Google it.

  2. Does Daddy Yankee represent the typical McCain supporter?

  3. Nope.

    Not good strategery, considering McCain's speaking ability.

    Or President Bush's.

  4. Yes, he does. Obama pretty much has the Gangsta Rap demographic nailed down. It won't be enough to get him elected.

    You are being cloned, some people haven't caught on yet. it confuses them to no end.

  5. Yes.  If Obam is elected we will all be forced to speak Ebonics instead of English.

  6. Actually, I'm a white country and classic rock fan who hates rap. I hope Obama wins and you have to eat your racist S**t.

  7. Nope does Fred Phelps represent the average republican Conservative I sure hope not

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