
Obama Supporters, easy question, did Biden say Obama 'was not fit to be President'?

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  1. That was 1 year back, Now he agrees that Obama only can bring change to America.

  2. I'll answer the question as asked: YES

  3. Yes..when he was running against him in the primaries.

  4. He meant to say he was not fit to be President before he was fit to be president.

  5. Yup. Romney said the same thing about McCain, but will probably be his VP as well.

    You do realize this happens every election year, right?

  6. Yeah... a lot of people said that.  Then Obama beat them all.  Next up: McBush.

  7. He did say it.  This last year Obama prove it.  

  8. You have to understand it was during a time when he was running for presidential nominee for the democratic party. Look at what the republicans said of each other during the same process, talking trash like they always do.

    And if he said it or not, so what?

  9. Yeah, but that was before Obama chose him as his VP. Same old, same old.

  10. No, he did not. He said, "I think he can be ready, but right now, I don't believe he is."

  11. Bush wasn't either, which is why Cheney was his VP and ran the country through him

  12. no, not what he said.

    But go and make up some more c**p, that's what you're good at

  13. Didn't you just ask this same exact question like 5 minutes ago under a different user name? Weird.

  14. .

  15. No.

    Biden was in the middle of a campaign himself, and making the claim, as any candidate would, that he, Biden was more experienced.

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