
Obama Supporters, easy question...if Obama's Mama decided to have him Aborted who would save you now?

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Aren't you lucky...his mama was pro-life...and gave birth to a boy that can make a difference in this world.....




  1. I sure wouldn't, I can't even save myself.

  2. Pointless question.

    Wouldn't it be better if Hitler's mother would have him aborted?

  3. Jesus sent Obama to save us from Bush/McCain. Nothing can stop Jesus.  

  4. She made a choice; so did little Palin.

  5. Hillary Clinton

  6. Yeah, great point! I wonder what Hitler's mom thought after she didn't have that abortion?

    Edit: Yes, what would we do in world without BEATOWEN?!

  7. His mother was pro-choice which is what obviously Palin is whether she knows it or not. Her daughter has options of what she wants to do with her pregnancy.

  8. If your Mama decided to abort you, who would be annoying us now?

  9. Women have a right to choose what they do with their bodies wheather its you (pro-life) or teenage mother who will have to quit school and live on the streets with her baby if she chooses to have it.

    If mccain died tommorow who would be your savior?

  10. His mama was pregnant before Roe v. Wade.  Given the stats neither of them would have been with us today.

  11. This question is offensive.

  12. heres one for you with the same thing

    Theres a women has 3 deaf 2 blind 1 retarted and 3 dead kids from birth whode you ask her to have a abortian

    ANSER=NO = good

    ANSER YES= Bad because you whode have killed beatowen

  13. It is called pro choice. And I thank his mom for choosing not too. It is all about choice!!!

  14. I don't know that his mother was pro life.  Taking a pregnancy to term is a CHOICE...

  15. ABORT I say!  I'm a Hillary supporting Democrat, well I was.  I say ABORT!  NOW!  

    Who wants a Muslim running this country?

  16. If Obama has his way, it might not be to late for his mother to abort.

  17. Obama will save about as many people as Jesus.  


    we must save our self's.

  18. Someone else who will beat McPOW.

    I would have thought that was obvious?

  19. She didn't. It was God's will that he lead us to the promised land.

  20. I also support a woman's right to choose. And we would have Hillary "Big Balls" Clinton now!

  21. Well since that didn't occur. No need to consider it. Save? No one is expecting him to "save" us. What we expect is something better than what BushCo has given this country and people. And to stop the further destruction of such. Because we all know a vote for for McCain is a vote to continue the ruination of this country and people. And no one wants that!

  22. Obama has touched me.

    Larry Sinclair

  23. I'm more concerned about the misdeeds going on at the Palin household. Having an unwed pregnant 17 year old daughter is not and should not be looked upon as something "positive". Just another case of do as I say, not as I do. For shame.

  24. Liberals will never face the truth of that simple question. Their goal is to see as many babies aborted as possible.

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