
Obama Supporters, is this Obama's idea of humility facing evil?

by Guest60275  |  earlier

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Mr. Edward Ramos, and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT...killed three members of the Bologna family in San Francisco: Father and two sons.

Mr. Edwards Ramos was arrested on 3 occasions... but due to San Francisco's sanctuary city policy...he was not turned over to ICE.

Is this what Obama was referring too? That we must show humility in the face of evil?




  1. Disgusting.

    These liberal do gooders do not care a bit for the ordinary people who have to suffer because they want to appear inclusive.

    That stupid policy needs changing fast.

    Too late for the Bologna family.

    It is like it in the UK too murdering illegals cannot be returned to their home countries because they might get punished.

  2. No, because Obama wants to make all illegals citizens.

  3. hu[mil[ity n.

      L humilitas, the state or quality of being humble; absence of pride or self-assertion

    Perhaps you do not understand the meaning of humility, in this case is not thinking ones self first. I know that must be hard for you to understand, but think of others first, is any of this getting through? Doubtful but I tried. what does your rant have to do with humility?

    Mr. Edwards Ramos was not humble...are you getting this?

  4. So much for your promise to go away for a week.......

  5. You won't see that question in a debate, but in fairness to Obama (who I oppose) its clear that both he and McCain are open border types.  

  6. you have to be pretty desperate to ask a question like that.

  7. Humility is obviously a virtue you know nothing of.

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