
Obama Supporters, was Michael Moore right when he said Hurricane Gustav was proof there was a God?

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I guess you guys believe in God now huh?

But seriously...seeming how George Bush and the Republican Governor of Louisiana...are doing pretty well in preparation of this storm...I think this will set up McCain pretty well...

Maybe, Michael Moore was indeed right...

God does work in mysterious




  1. Leave it to the atheist dems to invoke divine retribution when it suits their purposes.

  2. they have so much hate in the democratic party

  3. They do not believe in God. They may say they do but they do not.

    If New Orlaens had a Republican mayor and Governor they would not have had the problems they had. Notice how they blamed GW for a mess that local government should have taken care of. GW told them to get out and the black mayor (mayor a*ss wipe) said do not worry.

    Maybe obama can be their mayor, he can talk about the 57 states America has

  4. I don't believe that anybody ever said that Democrats didn't believe in God. It is just that his name is not Bill O'Reily, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannety. Bush and the Gov. of La. better get it right this time. practice makes perfect.

  5. Well...Evangelical preachers were encouraging their followers to pray for rain during Obama's outdoor speech to 80,000. Since it turned out to be a beatiful evening and there's a hurricane hitting New Orleans (again...) on the Republican (...) Convention's 1st night, does that mean God wants Obama to win?

    And what does it say about the power of prayer? Is God ironic?

  6. Mysterious, yes.

  7. God is trying to stop all of you and making you think. Think people. Do you really think McCain and Donna Reed will lead your country. Scary. i pray for you all. God is shaking his head in disbelief.

  8. it's to bad all the people left, i wanted to see them on the roof yelling for george bush to save them

  9. if there was truly a GOD, then Michael Moore should be dead by now.

  10. ROFL Michael Moore said that? I thought he believed HE was God and his movies were Scripture. I have to give him some credit.

  11. Now all of a sudden the sickening Dems are religious when it benefits their own purposes.


  12. Was that after Michael's cupcakes or doughnuts?  

    God bless those affected by Hurricane Gustav.

  13. Yes especially when BoBo thinks McCain is making a mistake chartering a plane for the leaders of the areas under hurricane warning to go home to their home state and take care of business and using that same plane to evacuate  citizens.  He said if necessary to have his supporters help he would text message them.  Wowie doesn't he know that the towers would be inoperable and considering he is not the president he would not have a priority for text . LOL I knew McCain would make lemonade out of lemons.  Watch his dust.

    Great question * 4 u.

  14. I don't believe in god, but I do believe in karma.

  15. I believed in God before.Bush waited four days when Katrina hit.He's the biggest tard I know.The thing is though, even though i support Obama doesn't mean I follow Michael Moore

  16. Is Michael Moore  a republican now?

    I was told Dems don't believe in God.

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