
Obama Supporters, when I berate you the day after Obama loses, how will you treat me?

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with humility?

I mean your Chosen One did imply you should show humility in the mist of adversity....

Just curious if you practice what you preach...or do you just talk a good game to make yourselves feel good...




  1. obama 08 s***w mccain that old b*****d trying to make america even more white... go visible minorites! go blackz, asianz, mexicanoz

  2. i won't treat you any differently because I dont know you.

    by the way, from reading you description on your page, you seem to think you are a little entitled and expect people to bow down to you. It also seems as though you're doing the democratic party a BIG HUMONGOUS FAVOR.


    i think you should wake up, because the real world treats you how it wants to treat you, not how you want to be treated.  

  3. well... it's good to see you'll win with dignity... wow... you are a classic Republican in every way...

  4. who is an Obama supporter? Really.

    I won't be worrying about humility after the election.

    I will be worrying about the same thing I worry about now, before the election - The United States.

  5. If you expect to be treated respectfully, you shouldn't be so condescending. It seems to me that you could use a little lesson in humility yourself.

    I'll bet you think I'm voting for Obama.

    PS You don't make sense.

  6. another person put on my list to serve crow to on november 5th.

    if your even going to show your face after McCain has his asshanded to him...

  7. Based on the past 7 years, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume that there's not a liberal on earth that knows how to show humility in the mist of adversity.  What Democrats have done to our country while we have troops fighting abroad is inexcusable and unforgivable.

  8. Sure, of course we won't have to worry about it as Obama will win.

  9. It will be our pleasure to treat you the same way we do now.

  10. there's no need to worry about that because OBAMA IS GOING TO WIN!

  11. i am goin to prepare fot the 100 year of war, as mccain promised war againt any contry that insults usa i gues war againt russia will be great

  12. They are going to support Reverend Wright when he runs for the Mayor of Chicago. They will then flock to Chicago to listen to Barack Saddam Hussein Obama speak at black liberation theology churches across the city.

  13. Happily we'll NEVER find out!

  14. The last two elections have been about picking the lesser of two evils.  Bush is insane, but Al Gore may be just as insane but on the other end of the spectrum.  And John Kerry, well he's just John Kerry.  This election I am actually excited about Obama.  It's pretty obvious that the way we have been doing things isn't working, and a fresh start is what this country needs.  Obama won't lose, but if he does I will take it in stride.  I won't berate or pick on anyone, but I will be disappointed.  Clinton ran this country during record breaking economic times, and Bush took that economic surplus and ran a 12 tirllion dollar debt.  A change in regime would serve us all well.  

  15. I am dissapointed at his VP choice. It should have been hillary.

  16. In English please?

  17. Why aren't you showing humility at the moment?  Is this representative of a McCain supporter?  

  18. s***w you i'm voting for mickey mouse for the 3rd straight time WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  19. Ha ha, interesting thought.  

  20. They will probably tell you the electoral college is broken, then cry.

  21. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  22. Some advice, once he loses, avoid the major metropolis downtowns as rioting will occur. Some people have too much invested in this charade.

  23. If Obama loses, what need do you have to berate us?

    you will have gotten the candidate you wanted.

    Isn't that victory enough???????????

  24. And he will lose.

  25. im gonna have to go with...

    go back to the kitchen

  26. I LOVE WOMEN LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    ---No, not really...I'm not "that weird guy"...I just love it when women speak their minds!!

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