
Obama Supporters, why are GOP Men energized about their female VP than you guys were about Hillary?

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It just seems to me...that woman there get more respect..

and it's respect she commands....

I'm a Dem btw...and can see this. No wonder you Obama people are soo bitter.




  1. Because they know this woman will have no power...they know she's just a public relations stunt, and therefore are not intimidated by her.  

  2. Maybe we resented her vote in favor of the illegal invasion of Iraq, and her vote in favor of the resolution against Iran was the last straw. Contrary to the belief of those who think in playground terms, war is NOT the answer to every problem.

    And if you consider being chosen for your value as a token an indicator of respect, you're pretty stupid.

    Bravo, Moose :)

  3. Wow, you write with such eloquence.

    Palin is there for looks, she offers absolutely nothing. Of all the qualified Republican women out there, McCain could have chosen someone more intelligent, more experienced and more stronger, but instead chose a nobody from Alaska with zero foreign policy experience that is against abortion even in cases of incest or rape. So if you're raped by a stranger walking down the street or by your own father, hey tough luck you're forced to have the child.

  4. Well since I can only answer for me, it is simple. Maybe "they" like their female vp candidate better than I liked ours. I live in Arkansas, and frankly, I am tired of the Clintons.

  5. Because they think she's hot and will win it, they won't.

  6. Will you please come back in Nov after Obama/Biden win the electoral college by at least 70?  Pretty please?

  7. YEAH BABY, this IS a conservative woman,  My voting hand is so ready for november 4th.

  8. I agree with Skout

  9. Because not surprisingly, this particular nominee shares similar views with other GOP members.

    Hillary, being a democrat, does not share nearly the same number of views with GOP constituents, regardless of their gender.

  10. My theory: the GOP was jumping on the 'CHANGE' bandwagon.  So because Obama did not select Hillary, the GOP advisers did to support their 'change' campaign.  Notice I said the 'advisers'.  IMO, (and yes, I am entitled to my opinion) I highly doubt McCain was all gung-ho for selecting Ms. Alaska as a running mate.  It was his advisers that pushed it and persuaded for McCain to pick Ms. Alaska.  

    Does she get more respect?  I suppose it's a matter of opinion really.  She lead a very small town, and governed a state with a small population compared to the lower 48 states. From what I am hearing from people on Yahoo Answers is that Ms. Alaska is just not in tune with the big issues that affect the rest of America  because of her physical location and lack of leadership experience.  Besides, McCain admitted to only meeting Ms. Alaska only 6 months ago!  To me, that is like a shotgun wedding and not long enough to develop a strong bond.  

  11. Because like Obama they prefer Larry Sinclair types.

  12. Palin didn't run a long grueling primary against Republican opponents. McCain could have nominated a turnip for VP, and the talking heads would be gushing about how great and experienced that turnip is. This would especially true if it was a deeply religious Christian Conservative turnip.

    There was alot of Democrats excited about Hillary, but she also had alot of baggage and alot of liberals were upset about her stance for the war as well as some other issues. Honestly I think there are reservations about Palin, but Republicans are going to put up a united front and make it seem like McCain crapped sunshine with this pick.

  13. Becuase repbulican brains are in the pants?

  14. As always, it's about the issues.  If a it's a woman that represents the right answer on the issues....GREAT!

  15. Because most people don't like hillary let face it. Lets get down to the nitty gritty, what no one will say in public. She has a core group of people who love her, but yes a lot of people did vote for her because she is a woman. just like people will vote for obama because he is black People can say it doesn't happen but it does, most people don't pay any attention to anything in the outside world past their cell phones. So if that's the case how much do they really pay attention to elections.  Mccain understands this...and in the end people can say all they want about it not happening, but he will garnish more women because of that fact.

  16. I like Palin because of her ideas not her gender.

    That is the reason for the excitement.

  17. They all want to fxck her

  18. You're a Democrat like Karl Rove is a Democrat and your question and intent is transparent.

    Here are the facts;

    In the House there are 74 female Representatives. The Senate has 16 females. These are the highest numbers of women Members in the history of the Congress.

    Of the 16 female Senators, 11 are Democrats and 5 are Republicans. Of the 74 female Representatives, 53 are Democrats and 21 are Republicans.

    Numbers DON'T LIE!

  19. it isn't always about her being a woman, but a reflection on the quality of leadership that she brings to the party. She has proved herself capable to the task, and would have been accepted even if she were a man with that background.The excitement is that McCain didn't pick another good old boy, who would have brought 4 more years of business as usual to the white house.There is a possibility  of the change obama was speaking about, except I believe this team can deliver.

  20. Considering McCain just met the lady, it is apparant he is using her for his own political gains. I do not think that show a lot of respect towards women.  Especially if he intends to win, just on Hillary's loss.  It seems disrespectful to use her like that, and to assume women would be so stupid to vote for her just because she is a woman. I question the motives behind this choice.  

  21. I am so sure that GOP men were really energized about Geraldine Ferraro's VP candidacy.  Get real.  

  22. Because they "think" with the wrong head.  

  23. It seems Palin gets more respect than McCain.  

  24. Because she's hot. Hilary wasn't hot. But in a way, that was what made her great. The fact that she had to work hard, and couldn't get by on the way she looked. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind McCain, but this palin choice pisses me off and it will be the death of his campaign.

  25. ENERGIZED????  LMFAO....try HORNY little have a lot to learn still.

    LOL @ I dare ask what your OTHER hand is busy doing?

    Yeah...that's what she gets bleu...respect...yeah...that's the word.  Oh the wet dreams you "men" must be having these nights.

    She'll have you busting down the door lining up to go to war...can see it now...bye bye...hope you left your wife and kids enough to live on.

  26. Because Democrats believe for some reason an inexperienced man is qualified to be President, but if you are inexperienced and a woman you are not qualified. That's just not right!!

  27. Any energy from the Palin pick has nothing to do with her gender.  The radical, extreme right may be excited because McSame's pick wants to talk about creation in the schools, pass laws about abortion and g**s, and kill polar bears for oil.  Wonderful, just what we need: a no experience ideologue, Hannity is a skirt.

    My disdain for Palin, again, has nothing to do with gender - I could have easily voted for Hillary.  But, Palin is willing to hurt others to get elected/govern from the radical right.  Not good for the country.

    BTW, you have identified yourself as a Dem before; but, never shared why you are.  How can a Dem support Palin if not simply for gender.  I'm Republican voting Obama because the neocons rejected my tenets - fiscal conservatism and social freedom in favor of Borrow & Spend and extremist social policy.  Comment?

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