
Obama Supporters, will your scripted-messiah underestimate Palin?

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If I were you,...I would be very afraid...

Unlike your candidate...SHE IS REAL, not a scripted package.

She has energized the Republican Base in ways you cannot imagine...

and I'm Democrat and can see this...




  1. She's new to the naitional scene.  News channels are trying to find out about her.  No surprise at all.  Hillary supporters are insulted.  She won't make the difference Karl Rove was hoping for.  And that's  a great thing for us ALL.

  2. Thanks for sharing that article.  I really enjoyed that.

    And yes, they are completely underestimating her....especially b/c they assume that picking her was about getting Clinton voters...when in fact it is about getting Republicans who weren't excited about McCain.

  3. He is not running against Palin he is runing against John McCain......

  4. they are too busy kissing his @ss to notice that she is for real

  5. HAHAHA you're a DEMOCRAT!?! That's the biggest lie ever!! Never have I seen you ask one question that is not insulting Obama or the Dems.

    And if you are a Dem why do you refer to him as "your candidate" not "our candidate"

    h**l no I'm not afraid. The Democratic base has been energized for months!

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  6. indeed, notice when Palin spoke at her acceptance speech, she was direct, concise, clear, strong.... when Obama spoke at the saddle back meeting WITHOUT his teleprompter, he stumbled, lost his train of thought, struggled to get every word out. A empty suit with empty words. No Obamabots, Obama is not change I can believe in, there is NOTHING about Obama I believe in.

  7. It is imposible to underestimate 'barracuda' . She is at the bottom of all grades

  8. I hope she is not the w***e of babylon mentioned in Revelations, and would give this country some justice if they were to win.

  9. get over yourself!! obama08

  10. President Obama

  11. You're not a Democrat, for one.

    And even though I'm still voting Obama I'm hoping Palin raises ethics issues in government.

    Now kindly shut your mouth.

  12. Where have you been looking? I have not seen anything even remotely like that. If anything McCain handed the presidency to Obama on a silver platter. Ole John flip flopped his way out of the running.

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