
Obama Supporters: Why do you use Obama's activity in the Senate AFTER he started campaigning, as experience?

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The character of a person is defined by what they do when no one is looking. He wanted our votes AFTER 3/2/2007, so he knew we were watching. Look at what he did before that date. The senator was pretty quiet you'll find.




  1. You make a good point.  If I applied for a job and listed on my resume the fact that I was looking for a job as my experience for the job, I would deserve to be laughed out of the interview.

  2. What experience does one need to be president ? and what has Mccain done in his 25 yrs in the senate ? How come Mccain wants to solve all the problems when he decides to run for the office

    what about the rest 24 yrs ?

  3. Was anyone looking when McSame left his ailing wife and child for younger, richer Cindy.  That says a lot about his character.

  4. A dead dog could do better than the last eight years.  

  5. I dont,  but you can thank this disaster of a president that we have now for this.  "Change" is all people want to hear now.  I probably could have run on it.  Its too bad Obama is the dem choice.  America could have done much better.

  6. Exactly.  People don't care though...pretty much everyone I know has fallen for this candidate's promise of change and progress.  It's almost like a waste of breath to try to explain it because they don't believe my "crazy Republican ***".    

  7. Obama will desert the American people when the chips are down...

    He's pathetic....saying he did not want to wear an American flag because

    he might be seen as divisive. UNBELIEVEABLE! How can any sane person vote for Zerobama?

  8. 96% party line voting

    The man stands for a lot of things

    Change is not one of them

  9. let's look at the 20 yrs he spent going to a anti white and anti American church.

  10. nice. great question.  

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