
Obama a typical liberal, no change here ,government funded programs, a chicken in every pot true ?? ?

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A chicken in every pot was a Republican slogan. Calvin Coolidge.

28 minutes ago


DUH DUH DUH DUD you Duh no it was FDR look it up




  1. Yes----Kool-Aid in every Bong

  2. Absolutely. You would think we were in the midst of the Great Depression if you were listening to Obama.  

  3. yeah, while he eats filet mignon on our tax dollars

  4. ye ye.. no, but Obama's mamma WAS under aged single and pregnant.

  5. At least his underage kids aren't knocked up.

  6. A chicken in every pot was a Republican slogan. Calvin Coolidge.

  7. Oh yeah and you'll be supporting it, not only that, folks, he's not black, he's Muslim (do the research yourselves, it's out there, I don't need to provide resources, you're all smart people)  hmmmm....attacked twice by radical Islamic terrorists now we want to put a man who was raised Muslim in office, yeah, we Americans are so bright...

  8. Please quote facts that prove that Obama is a Muslim because I have found too many sources to contrary.  

    As an independent, I find Obama no more liberal than I find McCain a conservative.  

    The fact of the matter is, politics are politics.  When you have a balance of power, neither Party having major control of the Congress and the White House, nothing good ever gets done.   Because they cancel each other out.   If you have a Republican President and a Democrat controlled Congress, too much politics come into play.  Same goes when the Democrats have the White House and the Republicans have the Congress.  

    The Republicans and the Democrats as voters, worry too much about what their parties are saying and not about what the real issues are.  Independents look at the issues from their own perspectives and make their own mind up.  They are independent thinkers and not sheep following their master.  

    The argument is about change vs tradition when it comes to Democrats vs Republicans.   Democrats look for change where Republicans try to stick to traditional thinking and values.

    I find that the terms Liberal and Conservative are backwards for the parties.

    Republicans tend to be the more successful class, who liberally spend their money on things they don't need.  While Democrats are more conservative in spending their own money and buy what is needed, then if they have the extra, they buy what they want.

  9. obama we cant affford his liberal agenda

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