
Obama and Kwame Kilpatrick are real close.?

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What is that saying about Obama's character????




  1. no, obama and kwame are not close.  when obama was in detroit recently and a few months ago,  he told kwame that his support to his campaign and kwame's appearance at the convention was not wanted. i don't know where you got your info.

  2. Palin and Ted Stevens have endorsed each other before?  What's that say about Palin's reform image?  McCain endorsed and campaigned for Bush 4 years ago; so he's the agent of change?  Yeah, the agent of changed his mind.  You're pathetic.

  3. Actually, if anything, Kwame and McCain have more in common. They are both adulterers who cheated on their wives.

  4. Source?  none...I thought so.  But McCain and Bush are real close...I can give you sources and even pictures to prove it!

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