
Obama and McCain Offer amnesty to all undocumented people in America?

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If Obama and McCain Offer amnesty to all undocumented people in America what will happen to those who applied for Visa and still waiting for their visa?

Will this be fair for those who are doing in right way? How about the 50,000 Green Card through Lottery and we are still waiting for the Visa number since 3 years.




  1. It would not be fair, plus it would be damaging to the U.S. economy. All those politicians are concerned with is hording votes.

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.

  2. Those who applied would be further pushed back or forgotten all together. It would not be fair at all.

  3. Actually McCain co-authored a bill to do just that- give amnesty to undocumented workers.  Then he found out the neo-con base didn't like it, he stated he 'wouldn't vote for the bill he authored.'

    If your illegally in the country, you should not be able to short cut the process.  It only gives incentive for other to do the same.

  4. If they offer amnesty to Illegals it is just more proof that our politicians care more about Big Businesses and the almighty Dollar than American citizens!!!

    No, it is not fair to anyone who is waiting for their VISAs, or to anyone who has gone through or is going through the NORMAL and LEGAL process!!!!

  5. The problem is this: The illegals will do everything in their power to stay here and will be here regardless whether they are legally here or not. They would risk their lives to stay here. That is how bad they want to be here. So we have two choices. 1.) Deport them, like you say (which has been working swell hasn't it?) Not really. Or we can document them, regulate them, force them to work at competative wages, and pay taxes. They will be here and present in this country no matter what. It's up to you, whether you want to continue footing the bill for them or have them pay their fair share.

    I don't want them here at all. It makes me angry and it is upsetting that they ignore our laws. And it is unfair to the people that went the right way. But our current remedies have failed so it is time we go a different way with this.

    If we deport the illegals, then the companies that hire them will just deport their jobs overseas. It is a sticky situation. We need to realize that it is also the companies we need to go after too. They are the enablers.

  6. No it would not be fair at all, people doing it the legal way and obeying the laws would be pushed aside while illegals would be rewarded for criminal behavior!!!

    Report and Deport!!!!

  7. The people who have already applied would be at the front of the line to receive amnesty while the undocumented workers would have to wait and then pay a fine or do community service before being placed into the back of the line. If they cannot afford to pay or do community service they should be deported. That is just my opinion though. I don't know what they will actually do. It will be difficult to impletment a policy that makes everyone happy.

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