
Obama as Commander-In-Chief?

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Has any elected U.S. President ever held the office as President without completing one term of an elected office or being a member of the Armed Forces?

If Obama wins, will he be the first President to never complete a full term of an official elected office or to serve in the military?




  1. hey your just supposed to say "hope" and "change"...........don't question the OBAMA............................sarcasm

    I wouldn't trust this dude with boy scouts  

  2. Never going to happen!

    YOUR next commander in chief is JOHN McCain!

      (Retired,Navy CAPT [0-6] )

  3. Bush is experienced, yet he still messed up. Maybe The US should get over its obsession with the military, making the world a safer place

  4. When the Democrats repeated enemy propaganda and used political pressure to interfere with the military justice system in order to charge innocent Marines with war crimes in the Haditha incident - Obama supported the accusations.

    Does this indicate a man who can be trusted with command of the US military?

    Look at Obama's choice for his top military adviser.  He chose a retired general who was cashiered for incompetence after almost starting a war with Russia!

  5. I don't understand why you set the arbitary timescale of one term?  Is there something special about one term?

    With regards to military service - this is completely irrelevant.

    Many political leaders do not have military experience. Remember that winning 'hearts and minds' is now seen as the most effective way of improving a nation and relations around the world. Any candidate who wins the hearts and minds in the election deserves to be President! That's the test.

  6. little georgie bush went AWOL from the TANG does that count?

  7. Lincoln.

  8. I dunno. Why should that be a problem?

  9. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Cooledge and quite a few others.

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