
Obama as Commander in Chief?

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After speaking with his head generals in Iraq and specifically General Petraeus, Obama now understands the generals opposition to telling the enemy specifically when we will be out of the country. To this Obama replys, "well I have to look at the broader picture." I think it is pretty obvious B. Hussein Obama is unfit for the duties of the presidential office. He is more concerned with his party than keeping Iraqi citizens and our soldiers safe.





  1. Similar to Caligula becoming Emperor, isn't it?

  2. I would like to know what idiotic frame of mind that this idiot was in when he blatantly told the entire American public, that, regardless of his utter LACK of military experience, that he would basically ignore his generals, pull out in 16 months, and even though the "surge" worked, he is STILL against it.  The guy is a ******* nightmare.  Go back to the "hood" and leave the rest of America alone you half breed piece of c**p!

  3. I agree completely.  And I think it was illogical and inappropriate to represent the US as he did to the Iraqi people and government.  He is not the president of these United States and should not be making "deals" or agreements with anyone.

  4. BO as Commander In Chief is too bizarre to consider!

  5. I have serious doubts that Obama could lead a Boy-Scout troop out a of a rain storm!!

  6. How amusing. All the wingnut GOP lapdogs come out to bark. Do you think stressing Obama's middle name is gonna frighten anybody?

    Perhaps the original poster will give us a link to the "quote" of Obama - in any case, shouldn't a President "look at the broader picture"?

    It was the present idiot that DIDN'T look at the broader picture and IGNORED what his generals told him that got us into this mess.

    He never gave "a specific date" only that he planned to get our young people home, safe in 16 months - would you prefer they stay the 100 years that McBush wants? Aren't 4100 dead enough for the warmongers?

    If you seriously think that the 72 year old, clearly not well man who is vague and forgetful, who lies about what he has said and done in the past and wants to let "market forces" put us deeper in a hole than ever is a GOOD choice for Presdient then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

  7. He is a joke.  A total and utter joke.  Somebody behind him is pulling the strings.  Who might that be?  Black fundamentalists?

    Barack Hussein OBama is an arrogant, nose in the air, self-serving little twit.  He couldnt run a dog pound.

  8. The american people will decide - trust the people

  9. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  Man that was a good one, Hussein would poo his pants if he had to make a decision on his own.  His wife and the powers behind the curtain run him.

  10. agree; better put I think he is more concerned with the way he, himself is looked at... so that he can secure his winning the presidency...

    I just hope that the people know better than to hire that idiot to be our commander in chief

  11. I think if the blacks were in a better frame of mind it could be a good thing hpwever, many blacks are active only when it comes to pride they only want to get back at whitey and that would be a good way to shove it down their throat. Now if we got along better in the future it would be a good thing.

  12. He is like a young kid in a candy shop since he is so inexperienced at these things

  13. Agree......aside from the nice smile and moving speeches, he's a novice. An arrogant flash-in-the-pan kid.

  14. You're right of course, regardless of his middle name, which he didn't choose by the way.  

    If Obama becomes President, World War III will probably come prematurely.  That would be bad.  

    But you never know how he'd be as Commander in Chief.  He really likes to win, doesn't he?  And he gives a great speech!  If he finds himself in the middle of a war (he won't see it coming), he may just provide the inspiration  and organization we need to come out on top.

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