
Obama assassination attempt?

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This is a variation on an earlier question. If Obama were to be elected, do you think an attempt will be made on his life?




  1. It is definitely a concern he should have.  It'll be another JFK moment.  I'm not sure some people are ready for a black president.

  2. Yeah, I bet he spends a lot of time northof the mason dixon line. Some cousin loving redneck with a gun and high power scope will probably take a shot, either that or the KKK, or Arayan Brotherhood.

  3. ok, this is where i have to put on my conspiracy theory hat.  

    i have no doubt it's already being planned.  and the planners are getting some loser to take the fall for it.

    anyone who ever had the opportunity to really REACH PEOPLE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE has been assasinated.  most recent Martin Luther King, JFK, Bobby Kennedy...  

    Martin was changing his focus from black to the poor in general..  this would do a lot to bridge the race divide because poor folks come in all colors...   this would have made a huge difference in our race relations..   and given a lot more power to the people.  

    *They* don't want the people to have any power.. it benifits them to keep us racially divided.

  4. No. There may be some nutcase out their who fantasizes about killing the president, but Obama is tightly guarded and it is highly unlikely a nutcase could get near him.

  5. well, to be fair, attempts are made on every presidents life, but they rarely get a chance to actually carry out their plans because the secret service does a marvelous job of stopping these things before they get too far

  6. Probably some redneck with a rifle would.

  7. Since BO won't be elected,

    he might get assasinated by Michelle, she has her gown all picked out, and HEADS will roll if she doesn't get her way!!!

  8. Yes..all great leaders have been assassinated..


    -Martin Luther King

    -Malcolm X

    -John Lennon

    if Obama is elected he will be next on that list

  9. proly, ppl r still racsit u know, of course ppl would want to kill him, i like his ideas, i dont care wat color ppl r, really, i wanna know when ppl from Iraq r coming home so they can leave Iraq ALONE!!

  10. absolutely without a doubt

  11. Probably, there's always someone so dissatisfied with a given leader that they want to kill them.

  12. Sadly, that is a possibility.

    That is why I pray he doesn't make Hillary Clinton his VP... God help us.

  13. That is a possibility with ANY PRESIDENT, and the reason why the secret service was formed.

  14. it's sad that we live in a time where ppl wud even need to ask this question, bt sadly yes

  15. almost certain I would say

  16. probably... but hopefully no one will do that.

  17. Most definitely.

  18. They will try character assassination first.  That will not get you put away.  Whisper campaigns using lies and fear have been very effective for the neocons in the past.

  19. When I'm world dictator, none of this will be a problem! *wink*

  20. To say the possibility is high is an understatement, as well the race issue in which that alone brings to fore many sectors of American society who will see his Presidency as totally unacceptable, the fact that he is talking about more dialog rather than the hard line approach to America's enemies will be upsetting more than a few people, even though it makes complete common sense to more rational thinkers today.

    So yes absolutely there will be many takers out there and it would be naive to think otherwise and also to think that it can't or won't be done, you will have to know who the nutcase is and you won't know that until after the event!!! his security is going to be an absolute nightmare.

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