
Obama choosing Joe Biden was a mistake why or why not?

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Obama choosing Joe Biden was a mistake why or why not?




  1. he made a very good choice.  

    I live in a very republican area but I know many republicans that like Obama and will be voting for him but if he would have picked hillary they would be voting for McCain.

    Bill and Hillary are hated too much to be of any help in getting republican votes.

  2. I think it was a big mistake. Biden has undeniable credentials as a leader of the Democratic party, but he has made some pretty damaging comments recently. Number one on this list has to be the one where he says he would be honored to be on the same ticket with John McCain, this makes any future attacks on McCain from him pointless, and will only serve to strengthen McCain. Another bad reason for picking Biden were his anti-Indian-American statements, " You need an Indian accent to go into a 7-11 these days, I'm not joking." Yet another reason Biden is a poor choice was him being caught plagiarizing speeches, when he ran for President 20 years ago. More reasons not to have chosen Biden, Obama is campaigning on a platform of change, but Sen Biden is a Washington insider with a voting record on the war in Iraq that virtually mirrors Sen. McCain's. That just addresses the reason's against Biden, there are many more reasons for someone else. Number one on that list was the division of the democratic party by the long battled primaries. This rift needed mended, and choosing Biden for a running mate alienated Clinton supporters who may have been looking for a reason to support Obama. Picking Hillary or even Evan Bayh, for a running mate would have brought the party together, and made a much stronger ticket this November. Senator Bayh is beloved by Clinton supporters, but doesn't antagonize the opposition the way Hillary does, couple that with the swing votes he'd carry from Indiana turning from red to blue, and picking Bayh as VP was almost a no brainer. A well recognized face, with some proven leadership in a swing state, able to garner support from Clinton Democrats and moderate leaning Republicans and independents, and somehow Biden gets the nod? I honestly don't have an answer why the Obama camp thought Biden could help them more?

  3. I don’t think so it was a mistake. I think this ticket is the best it can get making it balanced.

  4. No, it was a great choice.  Biden helps with Obama's weak points.  Strong working-class, Catholic background, perfect to attract the type of Democrat that Obama has a hard time appealing to.  

    Biden can make a great "attack dog" to go after McCain, but won't be seen to attack that hard, due to Biden and McCain being friends.

  5. It was not a mistake by any means. I think it's a great pick.  

  6. Great choice. I like Biden alot.

  7. smart choice for the Repub's

    Biden is a plagarist

    his speeches   his law school work all show a presistant

    plagarism streak unfortunately  

    he evidently cant think of an original thought

    and he also goes on and on and on  

    you could tell in the debates they avoided asking him questions

    cause he just drones on and on     very very boring

    put people to sleep boring      

    if i am a republican today   i am happy happy  

  8. Mistake.  The guy almost completely undermines Obama's aurora of change.

  9. Smart choice. Good on foreign affairs. An obvious weak spot on Obama. Also, he is who I wanted to be President.  

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