
Obama constantly says a line about "COLLECTIVIST SALVATION": These are the words of MARX, do you approve ?

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“My individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country”

He obviously sees himself as a savior with deity-qualities, and he is saying he's going to use US as pawns for his (likely drug-induced) vision as to how to manifest his destiny; By making the USA a communist nation.




  1. if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas; and obama has to be doing some non-stop scratching!

  2. I think your theory is pretty far fetched  

  3. When has Obama used these words?

    I think you are making this up... I'm a big supporter and I haven't heard him use those words yet...

    And to say that he "constantly" uses that line is just preposterous...

  4. Just Vote for Barr or Cindy and get over it dude.

    It isn't good to hate

  5. if obama is elected WE ARE MORE SCREWED THAN A HOOKER IN AMSTERDAM- its just a fact

  6. As long as he doesn't lie to the American public to lead them into a war, I think whatever he says is ok. Besides, it sounds like Obama was simply putting "country first," in a meaningful way.

  7. how come the republicans are okay with communist china but not other communist countries??? Is it possible that republicans like communism???? they must be communists!

  8. Obama = All things Marxist.

    He has been a Marxist since he was a teen and has never stopped believing it is the way.

    Obama was an active, registered member of both the Communist and Socialist parties when he was a resident of Hawaii and Illinois.

    The church Obama associated with for over 20 years is a self-acclaimed bastion of Black Liberation Theology (BLT).  (See link below)

    BLT is simply Marxism dressed up to *look* like Christianity.  They take a few passages from the bible and twist them to their own political agenda and they study those few passages.  BLT is an offshoot of Liberation Theology, which was created about 50 years ago in South America.  It was Che Guevara’s (a Marxist leader) way of mobilizing the Christian society to his movement.

    Che Guevara and Luis Farrakhan (also a Marxist) are heroes of Barack Obama’s.  Obama had a flag of Che Guevara up in his campaign office and Obama was instrumental in having Luis Farrakhan be given the highest honor his church would ever bestow upon an individual.  This happened just last year.

    About Marxism.  I suggest you look it up.  It looks good on paper.  The main tenet goes something like this, "from each according to their ability and to each according to their need."  

    The thing is, when goods and services are handed out to people, those who have the most ability no longer rise to produce their best.  And those who have little ability decide not to contribute at all!  Communist societies continue to fail.  

    Look up Marxism. Che Guevara, and Luis Farrakhan and see if you want someone who is their true-believer to be your leader.


  9. Yes, Obama is an unrepentant communist

  10. At the core of his beliefs, Obama does not believe in individualism and the right to own private property

  11. OBAMA comes from the W.E.B. DuBois school of thought - assimilation through communism - 'nuff said!!!

    If you want Karl Marx for Pres., go ahead and vote Obama, otherwise, VOTE McCain!!!

  12.   His use of the terms obviously has nothing to do with Marx. Marx also used to say ich muss scheißen every morning. Does that make us all communists?

  13. Obama is no communist. From where do you get these ideas?!

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