
Obama couldn't even help his own constituents, how can he help America?

by Guest61979  |  earlier

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Except for helping his wife get a giant pay raise by shifting money to the hospital that hired her and having a crook get him a house on the cheap. Do we really need another Jimmy Carter to make us a doormat to the world.




  1. more Republican lies believed by the narrow minded, do we need 4 more years of Republican rule and can our country survive if McCain gets elected?

  2. It isn't that he couldn't help his constituents, it is that he never did anything to help them to start with.  People should face the fact that Obama, by himself and/or with help, groomed himself for big politics by taking advantage of being at least half black.  Everybody should know that even as a Senator he never got involved with the law making process, he never for voted for or against 131 measures brought instead voted 'present' just to make sure he was in the chambers.  If Obama gets elected as president, the country and its people will be in danger more from countries and people who wants nothing but the complete annihilation of the U.S.A.  

  3. I wouldn't say that he couldn't.  But I will say that he didn't!

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