
Obama declined to go to the State of the Black Union forum but Hillary is, what does this mean?

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Hillary has no political need to go as she really has to focus on Texas and Ohio to stay in this race however she is going to the forum anyway. However Obama is skipping this important event for his campaign even though he is ahead.

I think this shows who really cares and is concerned about people over politics. Obama has proven yet again that he is just playing the game and preying on the hope of people. Hillary truly is about people and change.

Watching the last debate all Obama did was copy every answer Hillary gave. I believe this man that has come out of no where has used people's desire for change and his race to propel himself.

How can we support such a man? I am afraid that we as democrats are going to pass up on Hillary the real person in this election and give it up to Obama who is just acting it up but has no way of doing anything he promises.




  1. Politics, Hillary is a career politician who knows how to manipulate people, and events, anyone who votes for is a in need of therapy, .

  2. Obama is so sure of the black vote that he no longer has to go and appease them I guess.  I am glad Hilary went.. showed a lot of class.

  3. You can't in good conscience support such a man.  I'm just glad that you concluded this observation "prior" to the election.  You are sharp to make this assumption.  I've met both Obama and the Clintons and there's a big difference in both them and republicans.  When you watch, listen with your heart. Speeches are read, convictions are said... When there's heart, no cue cards are necessary.  I want to support what I already know, not what I think may come.  Hillary has been living it, Obama desires to explore it.... Go with the gut... go with the know!!!!

  4. In response the person who said Obama had already committed elsewhere here are two points.

    The State of the Black Union was planned and scheduled way before Obama campaign stops were scheduled.  He should have put it on the calendar.

    Point 2 - Hillary also had a committment the other day, but decided to out of respect not hold the rally because of the death of her escort.  

    I would have to agree that Hillary is much more about the people and doesn't pick and choose her audience based on what she needs for the day.

    Obama used the people of New Orleans and Tavis when he needed votes and recognition...I think this is a sign of the future if he gets elected.  I am not sure how he can say that repeating the same old speech that he has said a million times can be more important than attending an event that is very important to many people.  

    My new saying for Obama is BO  Something Stinks!

  5. This does not mean anything! It only mean something for those that are judgemental!

  6. i think it means he had a prior committment.  nothing wrong with that.

  7. u have one vote so use it for u ever u want and shot the heck up

  8. Wouold you want to be seen ask the cheerleader for a large number of Arfo-americans when you know that many people will not vote for you for your skin color.

    Arfo-americans have been a constitutancy of both Clintons ans she  has good things to say.


  9. 1) Obama is going to be the next president. Get used to the idea.

    2) You're right about Obama being a phony. But in politics that is a huge asset, and it is allowed. Bush was proved to be a liar but the majority voted for him the second time. You're out of line, and out of step with the majority of Americans. The majority of Americans do not respect people who are NOT liars and who are NOT phonies. Obama knows this and that is why he will be a better president than Clinton. Besides, now that Obama knows he has the Democrat nomination in his pocket, he does not have to pretend anymore that he cares about the Blacks who allowed themselves to be blinded by his smoke-and-mirrors, and about the Whites who are falling over themselves to show they are not racists. Deep down, if he has a deep side, Obama must be spitting at both.

    3) Any way you slice it, Obama is a far, far more successful politician than Clinton. In this respect, Obama is more like George Bush than McCain is. Eight years of Obama after 8 years of George Bush? God help America.

  10. Wrong, he had had a prior commitment to another function and he told that to Tavis Smiley.

    Wrong again, questions were posed to her FIRST. Those that were specific to him were answered clearly by him.

    They are similar in platforms etc 95% of the times, however there are differences for example, his healthcare plan will help lower costs unlike hers where she will MANDATE, i.e. force, people to buy health insurance. If they do not buy it by a certain period, they will either be fined for every month they do not buy it or they will have their wages garnished

    In any event, he is not the one who has all the baggage that can be dragged out and remind Pubs why they hated the Clintons and why thre are disillusioned Dems

    edited to add:

    Don't  forget Hillary Clinton starts out  with 47% unfavorable rating which means she cannot really attract disaffected Republicans as well as independents.

    Here was also a list a strategist listed in less than 30 seconds on Hillary which is part of the playbook the Pubs would love to deploy and use

    The Scandals

    1) White Water- although Bill was front and center in the scandal people tend to forget it was HER transactions and the innvolvement of HER law firm, The Rose Law firm where she worked that played a pivotal role in Whitewater

    2) Travel Gate

    3 Misappropriation of FBI files for her own personal use

    4) Chinagate

    5) Now there is a questionable deal with a Canadian businessman and her husband which ended up netting the businessman billions of dollars in Uranium contracts with Kazakhstan and Bill Clinton $35 million which seemed to have been funneled through his foundation. The problem is, now that they are refusing to release their tax returns untill AFTER the convention, when she was supposed to have been "crowned", it appears not to pass the "smell" test, fairly or unfairly.

    In addition

    6)Hillary Clinton signed an agreement along with the other Democratic candidates that stated that they would not campaign in MI & FL and their delegates would not be seated because the states knowingly violated party rules in moving up their primaries. She then had surrogates campaign for her in the states, kept her name on the ballots and now wants to renege on the agreement so she can claim the delegates as her own. Not trustworthy and is reminiscent of our present Commander in Chief who would talk out of both sides of his mouth

    7) the health care debacle of the 1990's

    8) Can't even manage her own campaign. She had raised over $100 million by Dec 2007, $70 million for the primaries yet she ran out of money by Jan 3rd. Now if she cannot manage or get competent people around her to manage a budget which is 10,000 times smaller than the Federal one, how can we in good conscience hire her to oversee our budget!!

    9) Her arrogance. A voter in North Dakota highlighted that yesterday in a response to a question on CNN's " The Cafferty File"

    Here is the note:

    "Alice in North Dakota, "Yes. Coming into Super Tuesday I was impressed that Barack cares about North Dakota. Today I was embarrassed as a long standing democrat to hear Hillary actually list a number of states that don't matter to her in the race. North Dakota does matter. And I matter. I was so taken aback by her arrogance, I just processed my first ever financial political contribution to Barack Obama."

    10) Elected on her OWN merits for 7 years. She brings up her husband every minute as if he is running for the office not her

    11) Poor judgement on the Iraq vote and LIED about it. Hillary claimed prior to her YES vote that she had done the research and read the briefs yadda yadda. Now she has changed her tune and claims she never read the NIEs. On something as important as sending soldiers into a foreign country possibly to die there, wouldn't it be incumbent on you to actually know what the h**l you are doing? Who is she going to blame for not reading them? Bill?  You not only have to be ready on Day One, you have to be RIGHT

    12) She has already given GW the okay to go to war with Iran- a run up using the same talking points that got us into Iraq

    13) When her husband was running for President back in 1992, she demeaned women who were stay at home moms and made them seem pathetic and weak. Now, not for nothing, women have long memories and carry grudges for a long time. This has been a sore spot for many women and it has not faded at all.

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