
Obama did not gain a single point as a result of the Convention and may have lost some so is he done?

by  |  earlier

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His performance has been pathetic!




  1. Are you delusional. No he's in the lead!

  2. That's not very nice...

    I like Obama and I don't give a hoot what your polls say because they never ask me for my opinion... but they ALWAYS want me to pay attention to theirs...

  3. Yes Obama is done for.

  4. I want to see what happens at the RNC first.  



    Zogby hasn't been right the last two years idiot

  6. No, he's not 'done.'

    BTW, your name is quite appropriate.

  7. those polls are being taken by the same guys that rigged the elections for bush to win.  you sound like one of their new recruits. you guys put a lot of effort into something thats gonna get you nowhere. go and tell the grand dragon your best wasnt good enough, OBAMA will be your next president like it or not.   n**i

  8. Ummm...according to the latest polls he is leading anywhere from 5-8 points

    up from a tie.

  9. what was the point of this? you do realize putting a question mark at the end of a deranged statement doesn't make it a question?

  10. You have no source, and the answers before mine do. They all show Obama did get a bounce, and McPOW only got a single point from your new savior.

  11. actually his numbers have been going up all week

    and mccain hasn't led since april 23 - consistency

  12. He gained 8 points.

  13. Yet he still leads by 6 percentage points which equals a blowout in a national election...try again.

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