
Obama fans, Barack defends swiftboat financier T. Boone Pickens?

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I'm just wondering what some of you think about that. He met with, and played down, T. Boone Pickens' involvement in the Swiftboat Ads that many observers claim sunk John Kerry's candidacy. The single worst smear campaign against a democrat in the modern era.

Read the swiftboat section if you're unfamiliar.

Is this hypocrisy? Is it blasphemy, to defend the guy who funded vicious smears against Kerry even while Kerry operates a website to protect to Obama from the exact same thing happening again?

Or at the very least isn't this a politician being a politician? Shaking his hand, and dismissing the swiftboat incident, because its probably better to be on his good side?




  1. Where's your source? NOTHING says that Obama was "defending" Pickens. Don't you PROPAGANDISTS have anything better to do with your time?

    Seriously? You're using a Wikipedia article as a "credible" source. Wow. You DO know ANYONE can edit those pages, right? And to the guy above me who thinks Obama's one of the "wealthy," what do you think John McCain is? His wife is worth in excess of $100 MILLION dollars.

    VOTE OBAMA In '08!!

  2. I think it's possible that everyone misjudges people at one time, or another.  The oil baron, T Bones Pickens knows where to put his money, and sometimes his mouth.  He proselytizes about windmill power and has been heard slamming the cost of crude, and I think he knows where to invest his money now.   In So. Calif. we have the windmills on lots of hilltops and more coming.   So, if Pickens likes them, so do I, despite the fact that they add nothing to the view.  Maybe Obama just appreciates it that somebody is touting some other form of energy!

  3. I think Barrak Obama does not represent me (an average, lower middle class person), nor will he ever.  T. Boone Pickens is among other things fabulously rich.  What does it tell you that Obama defends him?  Birds of a feather flock together, and they will leave us po' folks out again.

    As that old song by The Who goes....

    "Meet the new boss....Same as the old boss....."

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