
Obama for president?

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you know in the bible where 8 means new beginning. you believe that this is a new beginning for america. it's 2008 and obama is so close to being the first black president. i believe this is a new beginning. what about you?




  1. Sorry, it is the beginning of the end in my opinion.  This country is NOT about marxist ideals, and that is what Obama is all about.

  2. You just cant count on someone who would not put their hand over their heart when the National Anthem is being played...

  3. Why would he be a new beginning he is the same old politician the only difference is he is black.

  4. The only change Obama offers is the kind that will turn us into a socialist nation.

  5. I agree.... beginning of the end.

  6. i dont understand why thers so many obama haters out there.  i'm not voting for mccain but i don't hate him.  im a moderate who voted for bush last time...but the republicans have had eight years and they've screwed up the country.  its time for a change.

    OBAMA 08

  7. The beginning of the end? Good lord people, get over yourselves. Do you see what sad shape our country is in right now because of Republicans? Obama is an educated, strong man. People are just afraid of change. I believe he can help turn this country around.
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