
Obama gave billions to big oil in a bill backed by Bush, but opposed by McCain?

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"Obama did vote for a 2005 energy bill backed by President Bush that included billions in subsidies for oil and natural gas production. McCain opposed the bill on grounds it included unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry."

So, should we start calling Barack OBUSHA?

Did he vote FOR subsidies for "Big Oil" before he inends to vote AGAINST subsidies for "Big Oil"?

And if McCain is in the pocket of "Big Oil" why did he OPPOSE giving them so much more money?




  1. did you see obamas commercial last month? he made one saying, "Mccain voted for the bush cheney ernergy bill of 2005"

    it ran for 4 days and then obama was reminded that mccain voted against it, obama was reminded that not only did obama vote for it, BUT he COSPONSORED that bill!!!!

    he worked on it WITH cheney!!

    Then a week later, obama make s a commercial saying, "Mccain voted to store nuclear waist in the yucca mountain area"

    That commercial lasted 3 days until obamas campaign reminded him the obama himself voted for that bill TWICE!!!


    yeah, a vote for obama is a vote for bush

    I love how these people say, "well mccain voted with bush 90% of the time."

    I hate to break this to america, but so has obama!!!

    You know for a fact he has at least 75% of the time. all democrats have or none of these bills would have been passed!!!

    obama said he extend bushs's faith based bill.

    obama promised to filibuster the FISA bill but voted yes for it.

    obama says NOW, that he will extend bushs's tax cuts on big buiness so it wont hurt the economy.

    Obama NOW says he will extend the embargo bush put into place for cuba.

    yep a vote for obama is a vote for bush!

  2. this is part and parcel of the way Democratic (and way too many Republican) politicians work.   "listen to what i say, don't pay attention to what i do"

  3. Why are you choosing to not give the entire story. He voted on it because they all came up on a deal that they could live with. The amendment was vetoed unfortunately there was a small change for alternative energy. These things are not always clear cut however sometimes you have to vote yes for things in order to get a side benefit.

    It's the reason people get side amendments put on stuff you KNOW will get passed.

  4. Further down the article it said this:

    "Obama at the time voted for an amendment to remove the oil and gas industry tax breaks from the bill, but that effort failed. His campaign has said he voted for the final legislation because it included huge investments in renewable energy."

    Funny how you left that out.

  5. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

  6. I just love how Republicans have selective reading skills.

    You are basically lying when you do that.

    From the article you posted comes this passage;

    "Obama did vote for a 2005 energy bill backed by President Bush that included billions in subsidies for oil and natural gas production. McCain opposed the bill on grounds it included unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry.

    Obama at the time voted for an amendment to remove the oil and gas industry tax breaks from the bill, but that effort failed. His campaign has said he voted for the final legislation because it included huge investments in renewable energy."

  7. Yes he did because there was an amendment to cut the subsidies.  When that amendment was vetoed, he voted anyway because they added funding for developing alternative energy.

    Nice try.  But I'm glad you're against oil subsidies and for alternative energy.  We need more of that.  

    Obama - Biden 2008!

  8. Call him defeated, because that is what he is. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  9. Obama is in it for the fame and glory, not to improve this country. He may have intentions of doing something good, but he lacks the experience to make those kind of decisions. It's like saying "I will give $x to big oil,", yet not knowing where the money will come from. Maybe he will fund his policies with our social security.

    McCain has played the game long enough to know what is feasible and what isn't. He could care less if people worship him. He is all about helping our country.

    I don't understand why anyone cannot see this. I commend you for looking for facts instead of starting stupid rumors. Hopefully, America will see these facts, and Obama supporters will take off the rose-colored glasses and see him for what he really is...inexperienced!

  10. Opposed by McCain or simply not voted on by McCain? He's racked up more absences than any other senator over the past three years.  The guy is semi -retired!

  11. LOL did you see smithy answers? he is a fast learner from the Obama camp ... learn to use words to deter the attention of the issue at hand in order to talk about something else. Smart ... but not smart enough for us savvy old guys.

    Obama can brain wash Young pups but not old guys.

    Yes Obama has flip flopped yet one more time on an issue he claim to be perfect on.

    He did support the cuts and subsidies but now he has to tell the crowd what they want to hear especially after the billions the oil co made and the price of gas at the pump. But no worry ... the truth will catch up with him sooner or later.

  12. So now in 2008 the two candidates have reversed their respective positions with respect to the necessity or desirability of tax subsidies for oil and natural gas production. Isn't the issue now whether or not such tax subsidies should be curtailed or repealed or whether they should be extended and/or expanded.

    Why don't you discuss the pros and cons of the positions that the candidates now embrace in 2008? Isn't it the candidate's current positions and what he would do from 2009 to 2012 if elected President that is most relevant to our evaluation of their respective campaign platforms?

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