
Obama gives 'unshakeable' support for isreal.why?

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america has given 'unshakeable'support for isreal in the past and paid a very high price for why did he not give 'unshakeable' support for iraq,which america has also paid a very high price?or is he planning,when he becomes the next president,to change the stars on your flag to stars of david and rename the united states of isreal?




  1. The USA will always back Israel.  Obama simply confirmed this,  you have to remember, that all though we are tolerant of Muslims and allow them here to worship and build mosques, they really need to thank Jesus, cause we are and always will be a Christan Nation

  2. Because he is a liar.

  3. Obama wants to become president and understands that he must kiss Zionist Butt.  Every president and candidate has done this for the last 40 years.   The only American president who stood up to Israel was Eisenhour in 1956.

  4. My opinion (and I'm from Texas, mind you) is that Obama is walking the political tight rope--playing the political game. This is how the game is played: During play to your base (way to the left for Democrats; way to the right for Republicans). Then, during general election, you play to the middle.

    Obama's biggest challenge now in the general election is getting away from the Obama/Osama parallel. He's trying to get the swing voters. APPEARING to side with Palestine (i.e. not siding with Israel) would kill him in the general election.

    Believe me, Obama will greatly help our image in the world. He's not out to wipe Palestine off the map or anything, I'm sure. (Though of all the Republican choices, I'm glad it's McCain.)

    And I am, even if it doesn't seem like it...independent. One of those swing voters (not that that matters in Texas).

    But calling for World War III on one side, or saying that God is on America's side gets NO ONE ANYWHERE.

    I have this problem of liking about everyone I meet. I spent six months in Egypt and loved all the Muslims and Coptic Christians that I met. I got to understand their side of things while keeping in mind their biases and American biases.

    Knowing there are kind people everywhere you go, I just hope that someone can come along and help resolve some of these problems.

  5. worl war III is right

  6. you bet ye, he needs the Jewish vote.

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