
Obama got a below average bounce from his convention, why?

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One thing presidential candidates hope they'll get from their nominating conventions is a healthy "bounce" -- a gain in popularity as measured by public opinion polls. Since both parties' 1964 gatherings, candidates have enjoyed an average 10 percentage point gain in their margin against their opponent, based on calculations from figures provided by The Gallup Poll

Obama only got a 8 point bounce, which is below average, not good for a messiah.




  1. A very polarized nation, most people have already made up their minds, especially after such an insufferably long campaign season. McCain won't get much of a bounce either, I'd bet money on it.

  2. Part of the reason is they hyped him too much. Then they had 2 very week nights. Hillary did endorse him, but this is by far the worst speech I have ever seen her give, and I saw all of hers during the past 16 years. Bill Clinton did give one of the best speeches of the convention, but still it way below the type of speeches he has given at conventions.

    Everybody on Obama's side where being way to cautious.

  3. because Obama is, aside from his ethnicity, the most "below average" candidate in the history of Presidential politics.

  4. He got up in front of 84,000 ideologues and began his speech by discussing his "great humility".

    If he wants to be arrogant, that's fine; I think the President should express a certain amount of arrogance, but he has to admit that.

    It also doesn't help Obama that Jon Stewart (a comedy show anchor) expresses more neutrality than the talking heads at CNN.

  5. I think it's because people are realizing that Obama just doesn't have the experience for the office or an actual plan. This late in the game and even many Democrats are really starting to wonder if Obama isn't just an empty suit. He showed a real lack of judgment in choosing Joe Biden, a plagiarist and racist who is just another Washington career insider. In doing so, he also acknowledged his own inexperience and inability to be President without having someone with more experience by his side: a startling admission that he's ( by himself ) is not ready to become President.

    If he had true courage and good judgment he would have selected a person of true substance and talent: Hillary. But he felt too threatened by her. Obama lacks courage and judgment. Without those, how is he going to produce the change he talks about?  

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