
Obama has run for Prez for 2 years. So why do Dems blame his low poll #s on people "not knowing Barack Obama"?

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How many years does it take to get to know Obama?

LATEST CBS POLL: Obama 42%/McCain 42%




  1. Actually,

    Obama: 47%

    McCain: 43%

    McSame has a lower poll than he...get your facts straight!

  2. The problem is we know him too well!

  3. They know he will lose, so they have to blame it on something. Typical democrats. Just because he is obviously the wrong choice they blame his low ratings on something completely off topic.

  4. As with EVERY Democrat.....

    They use a "say anything to get a vote" technique...... We the People aren't as STUPID as they expect us to be.....   We the People recognize the democratic candidate as a FRAUD and a LIAR.....  and therefore, AT LEAST 2 or 3 times in an election the Democrats have to do a "RE-introduce yourself" magic act in HOPES of getting back the voters who were smart enough to listen....and RUN AWAY.

  5. Obama barely beat Clinton, who are not going to vote for McCain as Roe V Wade would be overturned with the first justice he apponted!

    Don't let the numbers fool you. Poll's don't vote: I do!

  6. That's Obama's problem, people are starting to know who he is, and they don't like what they see.

    hait whatever, those are old polls you are showing

  7. I too wonder..if Obama can't get it now..after the convention he sure

    is going to have to make up time in the last two months

    maybe Joe will help Obama get over being a knobber?

    I hope Obama does stop talking to guys like O'Reilly as he looked

    kind of stupid talking to O'Reilly..debate is not Obama forte

  8. Maybe they're admitting that nobody really knows who he is because he only says what the particular assembled group du jour wants to hear. What does he really believe? However, I'd have to believe that if he let loose with his radical far leftist views then his numbers would be a lot lower.

  9. His low poll numbers are because Americans have figured him out all too well!!!!!  The more we hear about him the scarier he gets.

  10. nice point!

  11. I think they have nothing else to balme it on. It couldnt be  - not qualified, dont want more taxes, dont want socialized medicine, etc etc..

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