
Obama himself said "families are off limits, especially children"?

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So, what's your problem democrats?




  1. The Dems are scared to death of Palin. What the left wing liberal bias media doesn't understand is that they are going to turn voters to Palin with them trying to crucify her. We all know some teen that has gotten pregnant and most times it's in our own families. I don't like how they are talking about it. And I don't think Democrat voters like their rhetoric either.

  2. I'm not Obama - I support him, I will vote for him.  But I will continue to voice my opinions - even if they differ from his.....I guess we aren't the robots you people seem to think we are!!

  3. They can not give it up.

  4. I'm not doing it.

  5. Quite right.

    Familis should be off limits.

    But we do need to look at what Palin has done here.

    Firstly, with 5 kids to look after, and a working husband, she has chosen to take up a demanding political career above the needs of her own family. Looking after 5 kids is not easy  -  she's stretching herself in too many directions, Something will go wrong.

    Secondly, in recently accepting the offer from McCain, she has chosen to put her young pregnant daughter under the media spotlight, preferring to further her own career. If she had ambitions, she should have deferred them for her daughter's sake.

    Thirdly, many Republicans are going to be deeply embarrassed by this. They have worked hard to promote Republican values, and within a couple days she's got problems to share (I bet I know what Bush thinks of her).  

    So - you're absolutely right - or more correctly Obama is right  -  families aare off limits. But Palin has brought this issue on herself and the Republican party.

  6. No one is insulting or attacking Bristol Palin. Do you people have a problem with legitimate criticism of parenting skills which would reflect on Sarah Palin's ability to lead as Vice President and potentially President?

  7. What's your probem.

  8. I don't like Obama or his wife, but I think his children are adorable. I like McCain and Palin but don't like this unwed pregnancy. However, it will not affect my vote. I think we should leave children out of it. Obama's children can say things that embarrass him, and we all know that you can't watch a 17 year old 24/7; and who hasn't done stupid things as a child that in no way the parent should be held accountable for it? We've all been there if you search your memories...

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