
Obama is a Christian?

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and supports abortion?




  1. exactly.  no Christian supports the slaughter of babies. '.... the least of us..."

  2. Yes he is a Christian - it's on his website.  Do all Christians disagree with abortion?  

  3. There are alot of Christians who support a woman's right to reproductive choice.  The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice includes many in the Christian faith as well as other faiths who exist in this nation.

    It's not a black or white issue for many.

    If abortion is so repugnant to you, why don't you start working on the main reason for abortions - men impregnating women- by going after the men who are the irresponsible sperm donors!  Guys like Levi Johnston and David Spade.  

    Whether its rape, trickery, ignorance, or oops,  it takes two to tango and it takes two to get preggers.  Men are half of the equation and they deserve to be demonized by anti-choice bloggers and pundits and yelled at by anti-choice protesters too.   Responsibility is the big mantra of conservatives.  Get men to take responsibility and you can cut abortions down, guaranteed.  

  4. I don't agree with Obama, but I also don't agree with attacking people's beliefs.  I think that if he says he's a Christian, I can only take him at his word, and though I think abortion is wrong, he's entitled to his opinion.  I am sure he would rather limit abortion, but wants to keep it legal and unrestricted for political reasons, not religious ones.

  5. Yes, yes even though they don't go together.  Oh he is just a politician.

  6. i only support an abortion if a woman is raped then they can have an abortion but besides that, no

  7. Yes he is a christian.

    and yes he supports choice. in part because not all christians think abortion is wrong and not all Americans are christian.

    If your only argument is based on your religious beliefs then you must allow the choice for abortion to those who do not prescribe to your religious beliefs.

    I have said for years, If you think abortion is wrong, then fine don't have one.

  8. Grow up skippy.

  9. the day Obama is a christian will be the day the Pope marries a g*y couple in the Vatican.

  10. Okay, he's pro-choice, I know what you mean, but I have to ask you this...

    Would you rather that the country ban things like the choice to have an abortion, or a gun in your house, or a joint, or moonshine? Or would you like to live in the country where those things are perfectly legal, and people just know better? Nobody should be against any of the above for the wrong reasons, and if it's cause the bible tells them so, then it's for the wrong reason. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way, and things have to get worse before they can get better. Nothing easy is worth doing, you can abolish what you don't like, but you're only fooling yourself if you think that you changed the country. The country is made up of it's people, and you haven't convinced them of anything other than your point of view, which you're entitled to, as they see it.

    Democracy is liberal.

    Women, blacks, g**s and other *human beings* have been granted some dignity under this liberal system, so it's not all bad.  
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