
Obama is going off about saving oil with tire pressure?

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What about the other things that require oil, like plastics, and make up? Will you give those up? And all this talk about wind energy, well guess what? The internal workings of the windmills need a special component in order to work and it's, you guessed it, oil! Drill Here Drill Now, Dump Obama




  1. As much as I don't like Obumma , he is right about tire will save gas and every little bit helps.

    Wind mills are renewable energy.

    Plastic bottle should go anyway as they fill up the land fills.

  2. The problem is Us, You, all who consume.  

  3. you will save gas with the correct air pressure in your tires and as for Obama better get used to hearing his name because no one wants to continue on this road.

  4. A couple million extra barrels of oil will lubricate a lot of windmills.   Why are you against cutting our oil imports in any way possible from terrorist supporting countries?

  5. You are right in some areas, and we do need to drill now but that is not likely to happen when the speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi is making so much money off from her stock in alternative energy.

    no wonder she will not allow any discussion of off shore drilling on the floor of Congress.

    How ever it is proven that Emu oil is sperm whale quality, and a better lubricant that petroleum based oil.

    FOX NEWS revealed (Weds 8/12) that Nancy Pe'lousy' -  Speaker of the House of Representatives owns stock in  Clean Energy Fuels Corporation.  At the end of  2007 she reported $250,000 in stock growth/profits ( Clean Energy is owned by T. Boone Pickens, Texas Billionaire).  

  6. Obama's comment is just the usual clueless do-nothing, keep-the-masses-quiet answer that I have come to expect from politicians of both sides.  Yes, we still need oil for other chemicals, plastics and grease, even medical and food items.

    NObama '09!  

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