
Obama is he already president?

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Is it just me or is most of America already referring to Obama as "President?" I was listening to the news this morning and a reporter said "She is waiting for Obama to pop the question and ask her to become his vice president." It just struck me as odd. Should this reporter have said "She is waiting for Obama to pop the question and ask her to run with him as Vice President?" It just seems to me that more and more the media is portraying this race as already won. Do you think that the media will decide who will become the next president? I do....




  1. well I bet he'll win cause he'd make a great president!! But voting starts

    November 4th  

  2. I think it was just the way it was worded.

    I haven't heard anyone suggest that he's already won this thing.

    By saying "his" VP it doesn't necessarily mean "THE" VP.. just the candidate he chooses to run with.

    EDIT: I think it's much too close for anyone to be making those assumptions.

  3. The media will have a big influence, but will not decide the next president. For those who do not like Obama, comments like that will drive them to the voting booth come November.

    And in reference to that comment you heard, it is normal for them to say it like that without adding "candidate" to the end.

    Obama does seem to have a dominant media presence, but in a good way and a bad way.

  4. Media for the most part are delighted with Obama and truly hope that he becomes President.  Now, on the other hand, the American people...

  5. They shouldn't get their hopes up. McCain has a really good shot still. Of course if McCain wins, you'll have the crazy n**i-Liberals like Rosie O'Donnell saying that the votes were fixed and that is why McCain won. She needs get a life.

  6. The Country hasn't voted for president yet so He not the president at this time. I am a bit irritated that the media is doing this. Have a good one .

  7. It's a minor slip-up; it could have happened to anyone. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  8. God i hope not, I wanted Hilliary, And if you think i am against him because he is black think again, I wanted C.Rice to run and win.

  9. No, the media doesn't really get to "decide" who becomes president.  Theoretically, it's up to "the people" by way of the electoral college, but media can influence their decisions greatly.  However, just because many people in journalism already see this race as won, you really don't know how the people will vote.  According to election polls in 2004, Kerry was likely to win the election but as it turned out the American people were willing to tolerate four more years of Bush over John Kerry.

    We'll have to see if the American people really are comfortable with the son of an African immigrant as president as well as his middle name being "Hussein", as opposed to just the "Liberal elites".

    Although, I consider myself liberal I do get where conservatives get the term from.  Even though, many powerful liberals see themselves as champions of the poor and the down-trodden they really don't always know how the people feel because they don't associate with the common American.  Which is why many of them become surprised when things like Bush's reelection happens.

  10. It's not that the media has decided, it's that the population has decided.

    Obama has nearly a 10-point lead over McCain in the general population, which is overwhelming in terms of Presidential elections and indicates that something extreme would need to happen to give McCain any kind of a shot at this point.

    But that's not even the whole of it.  Obama's advantage happens to be spread out in such a way that, in comparison to the red/blue maps of the last couple elections, Obama is only in danger of losing one state, while McCain is in danger of losing more than ten - in the electoral college, Obama's advantage is even stronger than in the general population.

    Basically, people have already spoken, which is why some are referring to Obama as though he's already won.

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