
Obama is in touble already isn't he?

by Guest56565  |  earlier

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Well, he snubbed Hillary inspite of party tradition.

Now McCain out classes him with his selection of running partner and further proves that he is no george bush. McCain proves further that he is diverse, and socially progressive while Mr. Obama ends up just more talk and ranchor.

If hillary breaks off and runs and independant campaign, Obama might as well sign off and take it to the barn for 4 more years cuz he won't be in the white house.

What say you all?




  1. He's in trouble. He'll get our vote if he choose Hillary as a VP. He made huge mistake.

  2. Gallup says Obama 49%, McCain 41%, so no.

  3. question is though how much will Pailn actually appeal she is a conservative and pro life I can see ignorant hard line women that are all for breaking glass ceilings going for her and in the process disregarding the issues that matter in the election. but still those more realist women will stick with Obama because they know whats at stake

  4. I do not think Hillary has to run as an Independent for Obama to be in trouble. He got a little bump out of his Star Search convention and acceptance speech but it didn't amount to much. He  should be 20 or 30 points ahead given the political environment but it's not happening.

    Obama does not do well in direct questioning. That is where this phase of the campaign is going.

  5. Obama got an old fashioned whipping.  McCain dumped alll over his party in Denver.  Hillary must be laughing her a** off.  

  6. obama? oh yeah! that guy who thinks he is going to be president. he is still around?

  7. No Obama is not in trouble. He's ranking quite a bit above McCain right now.

    What is troubling is this: John McCain first met Sarah Palin six months ago and has spoken with her just once before offering her the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket. He had no clue who she was or is.

    This is unbelievable. It's like walking down the street and asking a perfect stranger, "Would you mind being my Vice President over 304 million people? I don't know you at all, but no big deal. You're a woman, and that's all that matters."

  8. Is Obama still in the race??

  9. McCain's selection couldn't be more transparent. He's trying to get Hillary voters with an appealing woman who opposes everything Hillary is for.

    She is also under investigation currently for abusing her office. I don't know what McCain was thinking but I'm certain he's done himself no good here.

  10. I think McCain just won the election.

    As a Hillary supporter, I am rather happy that at least one of the parties is interested in our votes.

    Alot of Obama people have said they didn't need the Clinton votes to win.

    I guess we will find that out now, won't we?

    McCain/Palin '08

    Hillary Clinton '12

  11. OMG! Hillary pulling a Lieberman and running Independent...only in my dreams,but I would LOVE it!!!

  12. Yes, I would say so!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. yes he is in trouble now for sure he should have gotten a larger boost from the DNC and his choice of VP as in a boost in the polls but has not happended and you have to admit it way more cool to look upon McCain's running mate than Obama  

  14. McCain's VP choice is a joke, there's no reason to vote for him, I believe that McCain's the one in trouble.

  15. 8 point bounce, and that was taken before his great speech and the Palin disaster.  He's looking pretty strong.    

  16. no, mcCain needs viagra to even get it up, he cant keep up relations with any allies or make foes less dangerous

  17. Ha! You've got to be kidding! McCain might as well sign off. Obama is up by 8 pts. so he's hardly in trouble. McCain's picking of Sarah Palin is pandering to those bitter Hilary supporters.  But the SMART Hillary supporters who know that Sarah Palin is against all policies that Hillary is for, will be voting for Obama/Biden because they are smart enough to believe in POLICY AND NOT VOTE FOR ANATOMY! Sarah Palin is a woman and that's where the comparison ends.  She's a gun toting, pro life, against g*y marriage, inexperienced airhead and God forbid if she has to take over the presidency.  We are in trouble!!

  18. you are hallucinating

  19. one of my black buddies is voting for obama just because he's black... i have a real problem w/ that. but anyway, i like obama, i think he has a pretty d**n good chance at winning presidency. if he really does plan to end americas reliance on oil withing 10 years i say h**l yes to obama

  20. As you see,the Obama supporters have jumped at the first remark of McCains VP pick.I ha vent seen one question about Obamas speech or the now wrapping up of the DNC convention.Actions speak louder than words and YES! there is quite an uproar of action on Mrs.Palin,being chosen.So much so ,that they have completely even forgot about the Messiahs speech last night and are pushing the envelope to try to discredit Mrs Palin.Its been what,less than 8 hours or so since the announcement.Once again,I re-iterate,actions speak louder than any word and the left is on the warpath!

  21. Do you believe every time some one beats someone in any competition the loser is snubbed? Do you believe that a president is supposed to pick a veep that someone else wants or who he wants?

    He's not in any trouble. That's why you are planting this story hoping someone believes it.

  22. Man I hope your right obama being president is a nightmare just check this out its scary


  23. Alaska , you can't be serious? I would never be scared of someone that governed a population smaller than 40 or more American cities. She is nothing more than a mayor. Alaska has lots of oil, a small population, and 17% of the nation's oil flows through Alaska. Its not that hard to govern

  24. I say John Mc cain just turned the tide and the tables on the Obama machine. With 2 million votes going to decide the coming election, Mc cain has pulled a rabbit out of a hat and is going to make Obama very sorry he didnt pick Hillary.;;;  

  25. Outclasses him with his selection of running partner?

    Are you for real? Is that how a VP is elected?

    Hillary had all that's mighty and powerful on her side and still could not win.

    I do not want Palin as a commander in chief if McCain gets unwell. She can shoot, so she fits Cheney's job description, but seriously?

  26. I think that you will find that Hillary supporters are smarter than the average conservative and will see this idiotic choice. I could probably walk down the street right now and run into ten women who are more qualified that Sarah Palin. Save me the "more executive" experience, the foreign relations experience because Alaska is bordered by Canada..oh and Russia if you can ignore a few miles of open ocean. Two terms a mayor and two years a governor with a minor in political science at University of Idaho. Give me a break. How dumb do you think we are? Oh, BTW, you should have tuned into the Democratic convention. If you had you would know that it just isn't likely that Hillary  is going to run as an independent.

  27. Both the Democrats and Republicans are a VERY bad choice for this nations highest office!

    This Nov. Vote for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican!

    abandon the Donkey and the Elephant!

  28. If Hillary runs Obama's definitely done, sadly I think she'd just split the democratic vote - not be enough to beat McCain.

    I'm personally looking for the reset button... I'm not liking my choices at all.

  29. He has been declining in the pols lately and got no "bounce" from his convention. If mcCain does well in the debates Obama is DONE.

  30. Give me a break!

    McCain just HANDED Obama the Presidency with his lame-assed pick!

    He's more like George Bush than you think. He isn't diverse, he isn't socially progressive, and most of his policy ideas are 30 years out of date.

    Hillary's not running as an Independent. She's a full-blooded Democrat.

    So you can stop with your wild fantasies that Obama will lose, because he won't.

  31. Lol.

    That is just like somebody riding in Titanic telling everybody looking from outside how unlucky they are since the view underwater is great.

    Yeah gloat on your way down, I will keep watching with tears in my eyes (tears of joy that is).

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