
Obama is running so he can make Changes right? What changes do wish to see in the world?

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Obama is running so he can make Changes right? What changes do wish to see in the world?




  1. Better health care, better treatment for war veterans, better health care for elderly people,lower gas prices, lower taxes,better education for our children, tougher sentencing for murders,s*x offenders, etc.

  2. the legalization and crazy tax on marijuana

  3. O-Bama's desired changes are for his income and statues.

    My changes, Less border crossings, Less imports from China and Middle east, Less exports to Middle east, more films of arabs drinking their own oil because they can't get US Booze.

  4. Not any of the changes Obama wants!

  5. Peace in the world and to ourselves , living in tranquility and safeness

  6. The White House painted gold.  Obama doesn't have the experience to make change.  Hope can only go so far.  Real change is needed, and McCain is the only one who can bring it about.

  7. The federal government out of my back pocket and out of my house.

    More States' rights so I have more control.

    Less Federal aid distributed around the world to hostile countries who don't use it to help their citizens.

    American jobs back to Americans.

    Illegals returned to their countries.

    Line item veto.

    Term limits.

    Just to name a few.

  8. lots of changes especially the crimnal justice service

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