
Obama makes sense, a woman doesn't!?

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Ok Right Wingers... Obama just took it, don't even vote! I don't know if you realized this, but Sarah Palin is a woman! McCain just put big fat nails in his coffin! Its time to go black!

Right wings, just think, Obama will help us all instead of big oil companies. You can tell his care is US. He cares about YOU, he cares about the working class. He doesn't care about rich people! unlike all those other politicians. He cares about America.

My question to you is.... why the h**l would you not vote for Obama?




  1. Your are sexiest.

  2. He is a complete socialist, even worst than Hilary could ever has been and  he doesn't have the judgment when it comes to foreign policy. If you think that he really cares, then guess again. all obama has done is run for office. he has been a US senator and do you know what he has done since day one? run for the presidency, he only cares about Obama

  3. Here is part of an article on Palin.  I will also provide the link so you can read the entire article.

    During her first year in office, Palin moved away from the powerful old guard of the state Republican Party and has refused to kowtow to the powerful oil industry, instead presiding over a tax increase on oil company profits that now has the state's treasury swelling.

  4. Wake UP! Obama will never be able to deliver his programs without huge

    tax increases! He is a racist and I do not trust him. I would vote for Alan

    Keyes in a heartbeat over McCain so do not accuse me of being racist.

    Obama says people who cling to their guns and religion are bitter!

    Like I said, wake up! Obama is a charlatan!

    McCain not Hussein

    McCain/Palin '08

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