
Obama mocking America ?

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How much longer will we tolerate Obama's mocking our Country anf goverment ? First hi refusal to wear a n Ameircan flag pin, his refusal to properly Pledge Allegiance to our country because he doesn't want to offend other countries that don't like us. and now his smug attitude and insulting the office of President.

The guy is a hypocitic moron or thinks we are.




  1. He has retired that idiocy.  I believe it was because it was a violation of the United States Code to use the Great Seal in the manner that he did.

    ABC referred to it as the "Audacity of Hype."  When liberal mouthpieces like that call it stupid, the answer is obvious that it is.

  2. And how long before the Republicans completely dismantle the three levels of government and the constitution on which it rests?

    Well so far, the Republicans have done a good job at mocking the intentions of the founding fathers. The ignorant masses of which you come from, continue to be distracted by non-issues such as Britney Spears new hair-do and which celebrity drug addict is in rehab today, while Bush and his cronies get away with destroying the reputation of this country among the world and it's own citizens.

    But go ahead, keep picking on Obama for trivial issues such as a flag pin, if ignorance keeps you bliss.

  3. Going to make my answer very simple as I address each part of what you're saying.  First of all, what's your definition of mocking?  And how is he doing it?  Second, the American flag pin is not only unnecessary for him to wear, but doesn't say anything about his being an American.  Isn't it more important for him to feel a certain way about the country than to hide it behind the use of a pin on his lapel?  Third, it wasn't during the pledge of allegiance.  He has always pledged allegiance to the country in the accepted fashion, the situation you're talking about deals with something else entirely in which the accepted dealing does not require the hand over the heart.  Lastly, how is he smug and insulting?  How is he a hypocritic moron?  I really think you need to tell us these things, because right now none of it makes any sense.  I can't argue this if all you're going to say is that it's true.

  4. I really think symbols are overrated. There are several people who wear a cross around their neck and they steal, swear, cheat, and lie. Don't let the cross make you think someone is moral and don't let a flag make you think someone is patriotic.

  5. His wife is even worse, just ask their previous (but secretly current) pastor.

  6. yawn

  7. the one problem with listening to only one news station is that they will always make 1 of the canidates look horribly bad and wont say much about the other canidate to make him look good

  8. Thanks for the statement,now ask a question or spam a friend with stupidity!

  9. If you hadn't noticed America is making a mockery out of itself. what's it going to take for you to see this? Probably our currency turning to the Euro for someone as close minded as the American media.

    It's just like why are oil prices on the rise, bet you don't know that. It's cause they're set to the American dollar. The more our dollar falls the more oil costs. NAFTA and your friendly rich stuck people you stand up for are sending our industries around the world. Nothing is sold by America, we just continue to buy from everywhere else in the world. BYE BYE DOLLAR.

    This country is mocking itself. That pride you swallow is just blinding you from seeing we're losing that place in the world.

    Welcome to the United States of China.

  10. I am afraid the answer will be for at least 4 years. I hope I am wrong. I believe you are right to feel the way you do but because of our freedom, everyone gets to vote. You and I may be in the minority this go round. If we are, give the guy his chance and see what happens. If we are wrong, and things improve, great. If we are right, in 4 years he will be out.

  11. You can't always blindly follow your country. You have to have to make some decisions yourself.

    And it was the national anthem not the pledge of allegiance and you don't have to put your hand on your heart for that.

    and your mixing your facts up.

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