
Obama momentum strong, will Clinton seek revenge?

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I have never been so attached to politics then I am right now. I learned so much stuff with these elections. And I believe its for the good for this country at the moment.

We see the hype from Obama, his speechs and movements. He is a great political advocate, and strong with words.

But my decision is done, Hillary has her goals, she speaks the truth. She is a strong contender and will get her nomination soon. Obama swept Hillary twice in the potomatic primaries and the weekend before that.

What Obama hasn't had, is the attackers come and give him tough situations. Hillarys over that, she had her false accusations in her first lady era.

She will come around..........what do you guys think?




  1. what can she even do? the public is on to that fake crying bullshhit. and she just comes across like such a cold-hearted (person). nobody gonna vote for her.

  2. The Clinton camp will either put on a fight, or will offer a deal to the Obama camp. A first Female - African American presidential - vice presidential team is a possibility.

  3. Hillary and McCain are f r e a ks !

  4. I personally want Obama in the white house but I think Hilary might actually stop Obama's momentum this next primary

  5. i would rather see McCain get it then either one of them...cause we are not ready for either people as prez of this country...

  6. Hillary speaks the truth!!!!!!!!!!   When did you come out of a coma?

  7. That Obama has momentum is a media fairy tale.  If you pay much attention you would remember that after Super Tuesday Hillary said she would not compete in the Potomac primaries but concentrate on the next round of larger states.  Why?  Well she did not say it, but others did, becaue Obama is a race baiter and his people mobilize the black voters who are voting for him at a rate of 85%. She is in Texas campaigning and Obama was in D.C. pandering to the 62% black majority there.   If Hillary's people went around telling people to voter for her because she is white we would all be outraged and Al Sharpton would be cashing more checks.  She doesn't because she is not a racist and he is running a campaign that relies heavily on racism.  He has won in hugely white states indicating that there is no anti black vote in this election but he stood there (there is tape) telling black voters in South Carolina to vote their heritage, to voter their culture, to vote their race.  Ironic isn't it?

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