
Obama never told us how he is planning on making his ideas work....?

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He said "I will cut taxes for the middle class..." But he never told us how. He cannot just drop taxes immediately without some kind of a game plan, it would kill the economy.

He said, "I will get our troops out of iraq..." But he never told us how. Is he planning on sending them home and leaving unfinished business?

He commented that Bush isn't doing enough to find Bin Laden. He never said he was going to find him either.

See what I mean? How do we know he is not all talk? I really want to like this guy, but there is no proof that he WILL do these things because he hasn't told us how yet.




  1. Erica if you're genuine visit the Campaign's website, there you can find detailed responses to most anything you want to know, his tax plan is better than McCain's his idea's for saving Social Security are ones I've favored for the last 6 years and the list goes on and on, he's a good, qualified candidate he'll serve our nation well

  2. While I understand the point of your question, going into details of his plans is not something you do during an acceptance speech!  Wait for McCain's acceptance speech - he'll do the same thing.

    If they go into details about the legislation they propose to submit, half of the people in the stadium would have fallen asleep...lets be real here.

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