
Obama not a naturalized citizen?

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I read there is a lawsuit filed to remove Obama as a candidate as he does not meet the quals for president. Has anyone heard about this?




  1. Obama was born in Hawaii... that makes him a citizen and eligible to run.

    Berg's just another poser trying to get his name in the papers.  He also sued over the 9/11 Commission report despite lacking standing.  Too lame.

  2. That is hogwash.  He was born in Hawaii to an American mother.  He is definitely an American citizen.  This is just a disgruntled Hillary supporter trying to cause trouble.  Next they'll sue McCain for being born in Panama.

  3. You must mean McCain is not qualified since he was born in the country of Panama, which is NOT part of the USA.  Even if he was  born in the  "Canal Zone" or Panama Canal,  which the USA was leasing(renting) from the Panamanian government, this is IS NOT nor ever was a USA territory.

    Can someone born in Puerto Rico, which is a USA Protectorate or USA Commonwealth, become President of the USA?

    Can someone born on a USA military base in another country, say IRAQ, or Cuba, or Germany become President?

    Same argument applies.


  4. Well he has yet to provide a birth certificate. You and I have to produce ID for a job, why not him? The online birth certs are all frauds and not legal anyway.

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