
Obama on Russia Georgia crisis....

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Ive been hearing that Obama said something stupid and Mcain sounded Presidential and knowledgable on this issue.

What exactly did Obama say while he was in Hawaii?




  1. McCain is backing Russia and Obama is backing peace. As for a specific comment from Obama showing a lack of intelligence, I couldn't find one anywhere.

    McCain's line is "Russia should immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations and withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory."

    Obama's line is "I think it is important at this point for all sides to show restraint and to stop this armed conflict."

    Both quotes were found on

    It seems the roots of this conflict go back a ways and Russia is supposed to be a forceful peace keeper (they back the non-aggressor in conflict). The facts that I've gathered are, Georgia invaded South Ossetia and killed Russian peace keepers in the process (not to mention people of South Ossetia) while taking a base in Ossetia. What we now see is the Russian response. A side note, Russia has already gone to the UN to reach a peace accord but, according to a Reuters report, "The council concluded it was at a stalemate after the United States, Britain and some other members backed the Georgians in rejecting a phrase in the three-sentence draft statement that would have required both sides 'to renounce the use of force,' council diplomats said."

    I've also checked the background of all this with a good friend who is now a Russian refugee in the U.S. - needless to say, he's quite appalled, and so am I, at the spin being placed on this conflict. It's not about Russia invading Georgia. It's about Georgia invading Ossetia and Russian peace keepers being killed in the process. Meanwhile, the U.S. seems inept at encouraging peace and Cheney says that Russian aggression "must not go unanswered." That line scares me, mostly because Cheney has, in the past, had Bush's ear...

    Here's another source I found; it's well worth the read:

    My views: Originally, I planned to vote for McCain, as the lesser of two evils, and now, I'm not so sure I want to. Regarding Obama, I've not felt he has the experience and I take issue with him on other things, such as socialistic views (in my opinion); but his reaction to this conflict is decent. Lastly, I no longer trust the US media and seek out information from mostly independent sources. Then, I form my own opinion while wishing others would do the same.

  2. This is the comparison:

    ---McCain also believes NATO's North Atlantic Council should convene an emergency session to demand a cease-fire, and begin talking about a peacekeeping force for South Ossetia.

    Obama thinks the U.N. Security Council should pass a resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence. He also thinks a U.N. mediator should join efforts to try to end the fighting.---

    The difference: McCain wants NATO to take action. NATO was formed precisely to counter Soviet Russia's power.

    Obama wants the U.N. Security Council to THINK about taking action. Unfortunately, his less-than-one-term experience in the Senate apparently didn't teach him that Russia has a permanent seat on that Council and holds VETO POWER over any decision!

    Clear enough?

  3. McCain sounded journalistic rather than presidential to me--his comments seemed as if he were trying to teach America what was going on over there and why it is important to the US.  He (appropriately) didn't do anything presidential like make demands, try to jockey for a cease fire, or anything political like that.  McCain did seem to have a grasp on the situation and the ability to communicate with the people about it, so he's already better than Bush.  

    Sorry, didn't hear about Obama.  I thought he was on vacation.  Maybe he wisely quit following the news for a couple days.  He isn't likely to get another real vacation for quite a while.

  4. If the left, in America and Europe is so anti-war, why are they not protesting against Russia's involvement in Georgia? Where are the anti-war protesters within Russia and abroad demonstrating against Russia's actions against Georgia?

  5. the only thing ive heard obama say on the crisis was to the effect of a non negotiable cease fire on both sides and emergancy direct lines of diplomacy. but i havent been watching the news lately(to lower my blood pressure) so i dont know if he has said anything after that.

    dude: because none of the left really care about georgia(like myself)....we have enough c**p we have to pay for and dont wanna get involved.

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