
Obama or McCain? which one will you vote for?

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Umm im 16 so i cant vote but i really want to know who people want to vote for a good reason why..I dont understand why people hate Obama when it sounds like he has so much good to offer, i believe McCain isnt stable to be president, he might die soon and america will be left in the hands of a women who dosent want to teach kids s*x education,i would like to vote for obama yes because he's black and i would like to see a change and because he has a point, and i believe obama can help us all.




  1. McCain.

    Dear Lord, McCain is NOT going to die soon! He's only 72! Now, if he were 82 then I would say 'ermmm, too old.' but he's not.

    Age discrimination is just as bad as race discrimination.

  2. Please believe me!!! I won't get to vote from Ireland but I can say this, If you vote for Obama he may not do everything perfectly but he will do everything he can to help you Americans and also the world, he will work hard for sure!

    As for McCain, he has great intentions for his group of people only and the middle to low class citizens will mean nothing to him!

    he will care about the world, how to invade it to control oil!

    sounds like Bush all over again!


  3. I'll be voting proudly, for Obama.

    ...of course, the electoral college has the final say. so our votes are up to "interpretation"


  4. Neither. I live in Australia.

  5. Voting for someone because he is black is not a reason to vote for someone.

    Obama is against family values so I'm voting McCain who thinks for himself and not a fliplopper like Obama is who changes his mind to suit who is listening to him.

    Obama can't help anyone, he is too unstable.


  7. lol .. "because he's black and i would like to see a change and because he has a point"

    Now that is just adorable.

  8. Obama probably has good intentions. However, he's writing checks he can't cash.

    Thomas Jefferson said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

    Who is going to pay for his giveaways? Not the rich. They have enough money to find ways to keep from paying taxes.

    McCain NOT Hussein!

    McCain/Palin '08

  9. I'm voting for McCain.

    Obama is another Jimmy Carter.

  10. I don't hate Obama...but I understand the "good" he has to offer is other peoples money.

    Obama wants to make it comfortable in the USA for us to not-provide for ourselves and our families.

    Do you really think this is good for us?

    McCain wants to keep the USA a place where anyone with drive and determination can reach their highest aspirations.

    Obama would go after those who make successes of themselves, take their money and reward it to those who do not have the drive to improve.

    (I think you are wise enough in your 16 years to realize  -the skuNk- (the guy below me) is an Obama supporter trying to fool you)

  11. Neither, independent voter here (former republican)

    "i would like to vote for obama yes because he's black" Try educating yourself a little bit before you vote for someone because of color..

  12. Tell me one thing Obabma has offered. His speeches are the same old c**p, mostly quoting past presidents. He has no good ideas, or steals ones from other people. The man is a goof ball.

  13. Obama is a freakin copy cat!!! I will def vote for McCain/Palin!!!

  14. Obama. Republicanism in it's current incarnation has failed. Trickle down doesn't work. still.

  15. McCain. Sorry, but l ain't ready to have a black guy running this sh*t. Besides Obama will want to take my guns away.

  16. This country   really  needs experience   right now  !   Sorry Oboma  doesn't have it.

  17. If I could it would be Obama. I am stunned that anyone would vote McCain now that he has brought in the bible thumping opportunist

  18. Obama's policy is horrible for upper midle class.We would be taxed heavily to provide the poorer people money.However since we are not the high class,our life would change signifigantly after all that money deduction.And i think obama has some health care policies that would s***w my family because they are doctors.So if you are a doctor dont vote for obama!

  19. I just don't trust Obama, he's as much a liar as every other politician, yet he's got this cult following that scares me.

    If by some act of Satan he won, we would be in big trouble.

  20. Hello, I am a 28 years old mother. I am a very hard working woman and proud to be a single mother. I have never been interested in politics until this year. The way you guys sound on the radio station makes me realize how ignorant some people are especially republicans. You guys mention that the reason you believe Sarah Palin would be a great Vice President is because she is 44 years old a mother of 5 and have a child with Down syndrome, Hockey Mom, her husband does commercial fishing as a living. Now I understand why Barack Obama stated John McCain don't get it. This is ridiculous. In that case my mother deserves to be Vice President. She took care of 20 people all at ones living in our house while working 3 jobs, she help them get jobs and when they got on their feet they moved out and take care of their family. Keep in mind she was not only taking care of her 5 kids but my close family member. My mother is a hero but I don't think that qualify her to be a vice president. I don't think you guys have your priority straight.  On the issue about Pro-Choice, I believe 100% in it. I don't believe anyone would want to kill their child just because they come out with some birth defects or because they are young. Most people that actually have an abortion are minorities that is unable to take care of the child and is scared. I have worked with young teens that are pregnant and I am also a counselor to those that are thinking about aborting their child you have to understand people have the right to make decision about their own life. I feel sorry for you that have that kind of mind frame. Do your researches before you speak!! I was reading in the newspaper not too long ago where a young girl was pregnant after she had the child she dump it in a garbage can, how terrible. I don't believe people should go around killing kids for the heck of it but at the same time I don't think its right for the government to have a say so in someone's private life, just like we should not have any say so in Sarah Palin daughter’s private life. What she chooses to do with that child is her business.  I have never voted before, but by listening to your radio show made me register to go vote for Barack Obama. He stands behind a lot of great things I believe this country needs. One of them is COMMON SENSE. Now, I also understand what he means when he said the republican believe we are on our own especially when it comes to health care. People don't have health not because they choose to but because they can't afford it. I was listening to you going off on someone when you take the example about living next to someone that does not have insurance would you help. Understand this, people does not choose not to get insurance, they can't afford it. You guys don't get it. You are ignorant and I am very please to vote for Barack Obama. How can you be a leader when you can't control your own household Sarah Palin? I understand why her daughter is pregnant her mother and father were too busy to be at home talking to them about safe s*x or no s*x. hahaha....  If something happen to McCain, I don't know how Sarah Palin is going to manage this country. I don't believe she can be a leader. She was elected in 2006 in Alaska , the way you guys were pounding experience what do this says about McCain judgment by picking someone with no experience. Just because her 18 year old son is going to the military does not mean she knows anything about the military. My son father was a marine that does not mean I have knowledge in the military. That's how ignorant you sound!!! I believe this makes any impact to the women that were on the fence line by picking that lady as vice president. I was for Hilary, I was not after her because she is a woman, but because of what she stood for. I believe that was a desperate move on John McCain and I hope people sees that.  

  21. First of all, to say you would vote for Obama because he's black is racist. Race should not have a factor in the election at all. However, if you want changes, you should wish Hillary had won the primary for the Democratic ticket. The sweeping changes that Obama is touting can't be made by the President alone. They have to be made law by the Senate and Congress. And if the Senate and Congress wanted to make those changes, they would already have been made. So in order to see those changes actually be made, Obama would have to turn the Presidency into a Dictatorship. I'll vote for McCain, because as a career military serviceman, and someone who's dedicated his life to the support, security, and freedoms this country enjoys, I would sooner put my trust of the nation into someone who has dedicated his entire life to the running of the nation, and who has PROVEN his leadership ability, and who is a bona fide war hero, as opposed to a person who ascended to his Senatorial position by attrition as opposed to being elected to it(He was the only name on the ticket), and who is an un-proven entity with very few years in the leadership of the country, and a military ZERO. You would elect someone with ZERO military background to be the Commander In Cheif of the single most powerful military power on the Planet? Because he's black? I sure as h**l hope you mature over the next couple of years. God forbid you ARE able to vote in just another two years, and have the political understanding of the average 5th grader.

  22. I was not going to vote for mc cain before, and I sure am not voting for him now.

  23. McCain for sure Obama is not for the US.

  24. Well,I'm not saying that Obama would suck. It's just that when he was talking about "change change CHANGE",he picked a senator that's been working there for about over 30 years. What change is that?

    And if McCain were to win he would keep things up to date. It's hard to explain but my vote is fore McCain.


    Oh,right. You should know 100% what you're talking about here. I don't think you understand what Obama or McCain tries to do when they want to help,you're just counting on color.(Color won't do anything,it's just skin).


    Oh yeah,and Obama didn't put Hilary for Vice,she wasn't even on his list. (It was a shocker).


    Listen,I'm not mad at you. It's just that you didn't put logical information on why you wanted to choose him as president. You should try to get the idea that color wouldn't matter but what they would do to help our country. As you put,you said you think he would help us. Well,all you need for us to understand is why you think he'll help us. :)

  25. I'm voting for Obama.

    I'm not harboring any delusions that he's going to magically fix all of America's problems - but at least he is willing to give it a shot.

    John McCain used to be a 'maverick', but unfortunately sold out to the GOP in order to get the nomination - up to, and including taking Sarah Palin as his VP at the request of Karl Rove.

    The Neo-Conservatives have never liked John McCain because although he voted with the Bush administration 90% of the time, he refused to toe the party line 100% of the time.  That's a cardinal sin in the GOP.

    Their greatest hope at this point is that McCain wins due to his Veteran/POW status, and either dies, or becomes incapacitated somehow  (in the unlikely event that he does win - keep on eye out, and see if this doesn't 'happen') and then they'll have another r****d in the white house that they can control.

    Sarah Palin is the GOP's greatest hope for replacing Dubya.

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