
Obama or Palin? Whom do you prefer for your American Dream ?

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Exactly, I am not dumb. The VP candidate of one party is more qualified than the President candidate of the other.




  1. This question is goofy.  Obama is running against McCain, not Palin.  If Palin was at the top of the ticket, I would vote for her, hands down, over pie in the sky Obama.  Try to understand that running for PRESIDENT is not the same as being a VP candidate.  If your question were asked correctly regarding the 2 Presidential candidates, McCain or Obama?  I would not vote for Obama if my last breath depended on it.

    McCain / Palin 08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Obama becuase Palin isn't a Hilary $#!+ she isn't even a Condoleezza Rice

  3. This election isn't about Obama vs Palin. It's between Obama and McCain. And I will take McCain any day.

  4. Both VP candidates would be better than their running mates.

  5. Palin because she has fought for corruption and actual problems in this country.  Obama has given speeches and fought for nothing.  Even I can write an outstanding speech and deliver it well in front of a lot of people.  But you can't be anybody and fight against your own party.  I tip my hat to Palin.  

  6. They aren't running against each other. I would choose Obama in a heart beat. I don't care to have a gun toting, moose eating woman in charge.

  7. Well considering Palin's the more experienced one, the closer of the two to the center, and the fact that she is running for VICE PRESIDENT under John McCain, I'd say Palin.

  8. Obama.  I grew up in a foreign country too.  He gives all of us foreigners hope. :)

  9. McCain with Gov Palin is the real American dream, the Obama-Biden ticket is a pipe dream  

  10. The american dream as of now is to have money and not spend it on gas all the time. Palin becoming VP would have a great effect on gas prices dropping. She would be an enormous influence.

  11. ummm palin isn't running for president.

    It should be

    McCain vs. Obama

    Palin vs. Biden

    GO McCAIN!!!!  

  12. Obama.  

    However, each's respective minority status has nothing to do with vision.  Rather it revolves around their policies.

  13. McCain / Palin of course! Am I the only one to notice that Obama has promised literally Everything to Everyone? Anyone else think maybe he's full of balogna?  

  14. Obama ofcorse. What a question?

  15. You do realize they are running for different offices, right?

  16. McCain duh

  17. Worst question on yahoo Un-comparable!!! Sorry to say. What is Alaska compare to Illinois. Chicago,IL yeah  

  18. McCain/Palin BY FAR!

    It's nice to have hope for the American Dream again. With Obama in office the dream disappears.  

  19. You're right. You are not dumb... You are ******* ignorant.

  20. Obama.  Vice presidents have little to no power.  

  21. Obama of course.  I want things done for the average citizen.  Not more or worse of the same we have had for the past eight years.

    I know I have to pay taxes but I would rather my money be invested here in our own country.

  22. McCain-Palin

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