
Obama peace treaty?

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do you really think that Obama will be able to form a peace treaty with Israel and her enemies?




  1. The Palestinians ignore history.  They and the Arabs along with Iran supported n**i Germany in WW ll.  They were losers just like the Germans.  Their reparations were some of their land, namely, Israel.  The Palestinians should get a life and accept that they were losers in WW ll.  Go somewhere else and make do with their lives as losers.  The Germans have.  Apparently they want to fight again.  There will be even worse losses with the next all out battle.  Their Arab brothers know this.  They are goading them into suicide.

  2. I'm sorry but I don't know enough about Obama and many other people that voted for him think the same way I do. To be honest I think he will keep troops in the middle east to keep Israel and the American jews happy. Israel has enough wepens to protect itself. h**l! they could give America a run for their money. They have a lot of nuclear weapons and thats justs for starts. Why is it we give Israel all the billions of dollars and not my countries Iland and Italy.The only way you will see peace talks is if Hillary is v.p. and the jews will never allow that to happen in my opinion.

  3. No

    Simply because America makes too much dough which it is lacking right now from Isreal's 90% total national money dedication to buying arms. Also between the Muslims, Jews and Christians there will never be peace.

  4. I don't think we are anywhere near that point.

    This is what Americans need to understand about the Israel and the Middle East - most of them resent the fact that we are involved in their politics.  This is what leads to a lot of the animosity.

    Arab-Israeli peace can only come about through the wishes of these respective groups - America cannot force this into happening.
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