
Obama people- What evidence do you have that Obama will be a productive President?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, and honestly. Besides being a democrat.. Looking only at the man. What evidence is there that Obama will actually Help the economy, find renewable souces of energy, or end the Iraq war. How can we leave Iraq when innoscent Iraqi's will suffer? Don't we have to get security in the area first? and let me say, no one wants this more than I do.




  1. i don't think that there can be any evidence until he is president for a while.

  2. yes

  3. The same that Mc Cain supporters have. HOPE! He certainly couldn't do any worse than the present administration.

  4. There is never any evidence, hard evidence about how a candidate will act once he actually takes the oath of office. There is only the slightest assurance that any candidate will actually perform the tasks for which he was elected. Do you recall GWB say that he would be a "uniter, not a divider?

    Obama's feet will be held to the fire on the pledge to get out of Iraq. The democrats will expect immediate measures to extract us form this quicksand. That there needs to be a plan for withdrawal is a certainty. What that plan will look like, once the generals have their input, is anybody's guess, but a withdrawal plan there will be. The fact that the congress is chomping at the bit to act on Iraq assures us that President Obama will be ready to act in concert with the legislative body to reach agreement on a withdrawal plan.

    Innocent Iraqi's have suffered in that country for a long time, and if they don't manage somehow to reconcile the religious factions indigenous to the area, they will suffer more. That they are unable to live in peace and relative tranquility with each other, should  not be viewed as an American problem. It is far past time that the Iraqi government and its people accepted responsibility for their internal safety and security.

    Time to leave Iraq to the Iraqis.

  5. Americans like you make me sick. We need to stop helping others and mind our own dam business. Just kill the terrorists and leave. The same thing happened in Vietnam nd we lost, and it's going to end the same way here, too.

    Now to answer your question, how do you know that McCain will be a productive president? He's a republican, so what if he's just another bush?

    Oh, and let me tell you, the middle east is not about to change..

  6. we could use a change someone new young virbrant we did not know that bush would make a good pres either and look where we are so this just shows we just never know until we try its good some time to step out of the box

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