
Obama position enlightenment -- He publically stated "I think the D.C, gun ban is Constitutional."

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Of course he flip-flopped after the Supreme Court 2nd Amendment Right ruling. How lone would it be if he were elected before he flip-flopped back again?




  1. This guy supposedly has a law degree and appears to know nothing about our constitution.  His convoluted misunderstanding of the constitution is evident in what he says.

  2. Hey Obama is not a flip-flopper.  A flip-flopper changes his stance on an issue and has only one at a time.  Obama constantly has two positions on an issue an any given time.  For Example:

    He believes the surge has worked even though he said the surge has failed....DUH

    He said to fill your tires with air to stop the rising oil prices, now he will support the gang of 10 legislation,  yet he wants windfall taxes on oil....hey that is THREE positions.

    As you can see he in not flip-flopping just adding to his number of positions.

  3. Both Obama and McCain flip-flopped on this. Both of them got F's from Gun Owners of America.

  4. He flips and flops and entertains us immensely.  

  5. Obama is following the Clintonian Method of Politics as of lately... Be in favor of what is popular.  Drilling for oil, not typically an environmentally friend position, but since it is popular he is suddenly for it.  With the gun ban, he mentioned that while he was in the primary race and so he made that statment because he needed the popular leftist support.  Since he is the nominee essentially for the democrats he can now flip-flop as the polls see fit.

  6. he is an empty suite! who ever heard of a law review editor that never published a single article, or a "law school professor" that likewise never published 1 paper.  

  7. "Thats not the gun ban I knew"

  8. Obama is the antithesis of the word principled.  

  9. What is your question? The candidates always flip flop.

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