
Obama promises to eliminate capital gains taxes on small business? WHY??

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I have a small business, I DON'T pay capital gains taxes....I have to pay income taxes on my salary. What exactly was he promising? Sounds like nothing, to me, a small business owner...




  1. Um...maybe because both capital gains tax and income tax are immoral forms of taxation that hurt economic activity? You never know, it could be the reason.

  2. Because Obama is the same as every past president, just different personality and though process. He won't be able to stand agianst the ture power of washington D.C., wich is the shadowy money powers. I got the feeling that America will yet again fall for another lie, the same lie told so many times....change, America needs change.  

  3. Exactly. You've just illustrated his ignorance and arrogance brilliantly. Wake up people.

  4. So true.....The reality is that Obama's platform will be the death of many small businesses in this country....

  5. Your business doen't make enough to have to pay them, maybe?

  6. You're no difference than most small business, the backbone of the USA and largest employer.  Obama is promising to break us and bring us down.  People just don't see it like we, the small business owner can and do.

    I will end up laying people off should my taxes increase.  How does that help the economy?  

  7. I do pay Cap. Gains tax and I know mine will go up if Obama has his way.  Also, his plans include the Death Tax at 45%. Why should my money or my Father's money be taxed again?

    Taxes are going up to pay for all the freebies he is shelling-out for the less fourtunate.

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