
Obama question? please answer.?

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Does anyone else see the similarities in........

Obama- Biden and Osama Bin Laden?

I am referring to the names....




  1. No i don't see any resemblance, what you should be focusing on is your party's lousy VP pick and the scandals surrounding her (abuse of power while in office, her lack of experience, and her unwed pregnant TEEN Daughter.)

  2. Yes, perhaps fate is trying to tell the American people something.

  3. yes that is sort of funny.

  4. so?  

  5. Is that all?


  6. Besides the fact that Obama is really the 1st Arab/Muslim presidential canidate and not really the 1st Black canidate?

  7. So what? Think about man only founds on name?  

  8. Yeah, it's funny..

    It's also weird that he wants to turn this country into a baby killing nation.. If he gets elected, he will probably tell us how many children we are allowed to have.

  9. wow I never thought of that

  10. You should have your lead levels checked 'my friend'.

  11. No!   It is according to what is in YOUR head as to what one sees in a name.  I see President Borack Hussein Obama and I rejoice in what the rest of the world will see in the person, and the name.  America will get the respect back that it has lost, with the Bush administration.

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