
Obama: "I Have More Executive Experience Than Palin!" Really?

by Guest59044  |  earlier

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Now let me get this straight. Did Obama really equate his running an election campaign to governing Alaska: a state with two international borders, 24,000 employees, and a $10 Billion budget?

Who else thinks his post-convention bump is about to take a nose-dive?

He's comparing himself to the opposition's VP nominee. Doesn't he understand he's running against McCain? Is he that afraid of the "experience" question?




  1. Yeah he did.  He's a sexist jack*ss.  I'm sorry, but if Palin were a man, they wouldn't be saying this stuff.  If Palin were a female democrat and the right was saying this stuff, you'd better believe that the National Assn of Women would be flippin out.  Do you hear them?  Do you hear the feminists?  Where is Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen DeGeneres and Susan Sarandon?  Yeah, see, being a woman worth her salt means you have to be a liberal.  Palin has a long row to hoe in this race and in Washington, but God bless her strength and I hope she knocks the c**p out of Obama!!

    And, yes, the Obamatron and his Barackopolis speech last week are dead.  $10 million down the drain, Barry.  Too bad.

  2. Well to really answer that above my pay grade

  3. He should keep telling himself that maybe then everyone will believe it...  That's so not true.

  4. / What did you expect Obama to say, something truthful?  Why start now.

  5. Mccain will be dead in a few years so he's running against both.  Your not selling her experience anymore than I could sell obamas experience so you should just stop.  Neither of them have that much experience in government.  What obama has over her is more life experience and he is much smarter  Harvard Law vs Idaho State.  Political science major and Lawyer vs Journalist.

    Your argument for executive experience means mccain is not qualified either.

  6. No, he doesn't. LOL. He would be stupid to say such a thing. Did he really say that?

  7. Obama isn't all that bright...AND he needs a high colonic!!

  8. He is really kidding himself. Palin really hit home a smart message to me. She said, running a state is more like running a smaller version of the country. Whereas a senator really just cherry picks a few choice topics to fight for. I mean, look at Obama's record, most of the time, he was absent for the vote, then on the issues he did vote on were right in the middle as not to offend anyone. So yes, being a mayor and then a successful governor is a ton of experience (comparatively speaking) then Obama. I mean, most of the stuff Obama did prior to being a Senator was handed to him. Heck one politician even came out and said how mad he was at Obama, because he would do like 95% of the work on bills only to have Obama get to stamp his name on something then take the credit. So even what Obama did do is questionable. I mean you cannot deny Palin has tackled tough issues in Alaska. She got a new pipeline finally approved, she kicked out a bunch of crooked politicians who happened to be in her own party. She cut Alaskan government spending including her private jet she got rid of and she has had like a 80%-90% approval rating while in office. That speaks volumes. Funny how in only a couple days, people know little about her politics, yet they know tons of what trash has been dug up. Shame our society seems to go for this instead of what really matters. I don't have if her kid has 10 kids out of wedlock. Her politics are still what matters most.

  9. That horrible answer should be a wake up call for his supporters.  

  10. Haha, he's claiming more exec experience for a campaign....that he doesnt even run himself

  11. He's shaking in his boots as he watches his poll numbers climb...

  12. Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together.  

  13. Obama is a puppet the people who pull the strings run his campaign.

  14. Palin is amazing unqualified. I am comfortable with Obama's level of experience because he has demonstrated the right judgement consistently. The Vice President is still rather powerful, why did McCain chose someone with no experience other than 1.5 years as governor of a State of 602, 000 people. It is the worst decision McCain has made and he has made bad decisions. Especially since he didn't even know Palin.

    Obama recognizes McCain has experience, oodles in fact. However, Obama has something called "judgement". McCain in his experience has proven that he can make a lot of bad decisions.

  15. I digress back to the "Eagles" tune I mentioned earlier

  16. He's good...get back in your bag.

  17. i have been a high school student longer than obama has been a senator

    he is an arrogant prick  

  18. Obama has no executive experience but this doesn't surprise me he would say this since he sees his overseas trip as foreign relations experience.

  19. If he said that he is a complete tool.  He's and even bigger hypocrite than I thought he was.

  20. all i gotta say is burp

  21. Now let me get this straight. Obama really equate his running an Election campaign because the Mc Cain campaign keeps saying he has no experience and he was asked by the reporter if he does

    As everyone knows already he is senator not a Governor he was only using her experience against his as he has not run a state

    Comparing himself because that was the way it was asked.

    So glad he picked someone he talked to for 15 minutes and also using PTA as experience yet another thing that Obama has not done...sooo

    much going for the Mc Cain/Palin ticket

    Glad to know Mc Cain makes choices after true research, thinks about what is good for his country. This country is truly going to be great>>snicker>>

    Alaska.Pacificic Ocean...Alaska...CANADA one border

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