
Obama reads the speech of his career.......?

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And it doesn't cover the 24hr news cycle. Is McCain just smarter than the messiah? Talk about smothering all the so called convention momentum.




  1. Obambi's speech was the same old rhetoric that has been promised for years. That was a poor speech on a historic night that should have been his finest hour.

  2. let's hope obama wins over mccain.. help him out by voting for him on this page!

  3. I suppose the choice was either setting his hair on fire and running naked through the streets or selecting some unknown nobody to be his VP

  4. Oh yeah, real smart.

    Between Obama's speech and McCains' ludicrous choice for VP, todays 8 point Obama lead will be 15 points by Monday.

  5. On Fox... no.

    Change the channel.

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