
Obama said Palin family off limits?

by Guest61833  |  earlier

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I watched an interview on TV. After talking about the personal attacks on the Palin family and the attacks about her being a mother and running for VP, Obama said "I hope my supporters understand that that is off limits." I thought that was very tasteful and caring of him. But apparently, no listened or cared. I am asking if the hateful remarks about Palin and her family can stop? At least on this website, anyway.

Btw, I'm not yet old enough to vote. But if I could, McCain would get mine.

Also, I know he never expected anyone to pay attention to him. I'm just saying how nice it would be if people would quit tearing at each other's throats. It would be really easy if someone would TRY IT.




  1. Palin has some views that even Cindy McCain disagrees with;  The wife of Republican presidential nominee John McCain doesn't agree with vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's opposition to abortion in cases of rape and incest.

    Cindy McCain also parts ways with her husband's running mate on s*x education.

    Palin opposes abortion and rejects the view that pregnancies caused by rape and incest should be exceptions.

    Having lived many years longer than you, I was one of those young ladies who fought to have laws changed so that women became more liberated and were able to have the choice.  To go back to the days when women tried to self abort using coat hangers, or had to go to dirty filthy places to have illegal abortions was just plain wrong.  I lost an aunt to a self inflicted abortion because she would have been disowned by her family if they had known she was pregnant (as was the norm then).  Unfortunately our morals have taken a nose dive and now is perfectly acceptable to give birth to b*****d children. And it is also acceptable to parade your pregnant 17 year old before the cameras of the world and applaud her irresponsibility and that of the guy who bonked her too.

    Do your homework and read up on history before you make rash decisions.

  2. I agree he is a good caring father.

  3. Its t*t for tat

    with many people

    they remember how disgustingly cruel the republicans were towards Obama and hillary

    McCain even told ugly jokes about Chelsea clinton

    but of course

    the republicans weren't at all incensed about THAT

  4. i  agree  its  sick  that  people  have  nothing  else  to   dig  up on  the  candidates  so  they  go  to  kids  back  off  with  the  families

  5. When you can vote, please consider the fact that there are really two sides and you don't have to follow your parents lead, you can decide for yourself. All right, I won't post any hateful comments about Palin... Wait, I never did. There is a difference between hateful comments and criticism. Republicans always claim that all criticism toward their candidates is hateful and distasteful. Yet they can smear with the best of em'. Just cannot take criticism, a very bad characteristic if you ask me.  

    I really wish that republicans would stop inventing lies about what  ALL Democrats do.

  6. So, my mother 81 years old a (R) could care less, and she is attacking Palin because she sees her as a danger to real women's issue.

  7. poor little baby

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